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Quest Help: Disable starting item if starting stage is skipped.


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SetActive doesn't remove the markers. SetActive is a toggle function used to mark an already running quest as active in the journal. A by-product is that it also makes its markers appear on the map. The markers were always there. Its the same thing as the player going into the journal and clicking on a quest to make it active or not.


I have no idea what will actually happen if you remove it from an existing script.

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Why are you using SetActive() ? All that does is makes an already running quest active in the journal and have its associated quest markers show up. The player can easily turn that on or off in the journal. Your quest shouldn't be running at all until the conditions for it to start take place.



If I remove the 'setactive()' command from a quest script will change anything other than removing the journal and quest markers? Or does it ONLY affect the journal and quest markers. Reason I'm asking is I want to disable quest markers for all quests instead of having to do it manually every time in-game - but I don't want to break the quests in case it affects anything else. thanks



Kuertee's Auto Save and Time has a setting to remove all map and quest markers. You can just deactivate the auto save and timekeeping functions in the MCM if you don't want those.


Also you shouldn't bump an old thread with an unrelated question. Make a new thread for your question. What you asked had nothing to do with what this thread was originally about.

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