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Francisco's leveling trouble


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Holy crap long post... um. TLDR... err. "Wrye bash is showing me red errors, is it fixable without ruining my save? Is it possible that the errors shown aren't that bad, and the mods are still working fine?" Yeah... that'll do. Oh, one more thing: HALP ME :(



Started playing Oblivion again lately, and naturally had to mess with my mods a bit. I'd totally forgotten what I'd installed and whatnot from before, but seemingly I managed to get around okay. Or so i thought. Major mods used are Francisco's leveled , Kobu's leveling, HGEC, Roberts male, and lastly, Unique Landscapes. These are the mods I want to use together, in addition to some minor texture replacements and stuff.


I started playing, managed to make a beautiful Breton (yay), and so far managed to get into the arcane university to make some epic spells. I'm still only at lvl 2 though, due to me distinctly remembering being lvl 46 on my last save even though I hadn't really done much, and thus activated Kobu's 3x slower skills this time around.


Here's the problem: As I mentioned, it had been a while since I installed all of this, and because of ...some reason i can't quite remember, I installed everything again after deactivating the things I didn't want. I did not, reinstall Oblivion, I just kind of overwrote the stuff that was already there. Or something. It seemed to work okay at the time. Now, however, I'm not so sure anymore. You see, I realized I had Wrye Bash installed, and booted it up to have a look at compatibility:




As you all can see, most of it is green, but them Francisco's files are all very much... red. This would be quite bad, as, arguably, Francisco's is the most important mod of the lot. I absolutely loathe how vanilla Oblivion handles spawns and loot I hate the leveling too, but Kobu's is green and good, and haven't given me any trouble in the game so far. Anyway, I digress.


The thing is, Francisco's isn't that simple to detect in game whether or not its working properly. I thought it did, but as I said, I'm only lvl 2 yet, and thus haven't really gotten a good chance at seeing spawns. I did meet a Black Bear in Cheydinhal, which almost killed me, and a Troll in Vilverin and a Skeleton Hero in Vilverin (which would have mauled me if not for some intelligent kiting), so i guess the core mod is working fine. But what about the red parts?


I did some testing on one of the things mentioned in the Francisco's readme, which was making houses more interesting for thieves to break into. So I created an epic security spell and raided every civilian house in the Elven Garden district. The results were mixed. Every house had a few chests with Hard/Very Hard locks, and every house had at least one chest containing a few pieces of armor or weapons. The quality was varied, mostly Iron, leather and fur, but at least 15-20% of the loot was steel. Nothing above steel, however, and no magical stuff. There was also a few chests containing valuables like 20-40 gold, some nuggets, rings etc. Considering that I am still only lvl 2, would anyone with more experience with Frans' say it's working correctly?


Basically, it SEEMS to be working fine. But if it's not (is it even possible it's working fine?), is there a way for me to fix it easily? In your professional modblivoning opinions, should I just wipe everything and reinstall the lot? If so, would anyone be kind enough to guide me step-by-step on the aforementioned mods, so i don't screw it up again?


Apologies for the long post... Thanks in advance to anyone who even bothered to read it all, and double thanks to anyone who want to help :(





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If you deactivated a bunch of mods wouldn't you need to make a new bashed patch (I don't use Wrye Bash, but I read about it a lot on here).?
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First, dark red usually means the master file isn't there (e.g. If you download a patch with a mod you got but you don't have the mod the patch is used for.) or it would conflict if you activated it. I would first use BOSS to rearrange your load order for everything. If you don't have it, here is the link: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20516. BOSS is very useful because it sorts your mods pretty accurately for you. Edited by NeonPeanut
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If you deactivated a bunch of mods wouldn't you need to make a new bashed patch (I don't use Wrye Bash, but I read about it a lot on here).?


Maybe, I don't remember anything about using Wrye bash. I think the reason i downloaded it in the first place way back when, was to merge one mod with another, but I'm pretty sure I don't use those anymore.



First, dark red usually means the master file isn't there (e.g. If you download a patch with a mod you got but you don't have the mod the patch is used for.) or it would conflict if you activated it. I would first use BOSS to rearrange your load order for everything. If you don't have it, here is the link: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20516. BOSS is very useful because it sorts your mods pretty accurately for you.

Yeah, I looked it up before writing my wall of text, and that's one of the reasons why i became so confused. Cause both Oblivion and Francisco's are there. Francisco's is even from the same installer, so I've no idea why it shows up as red. Was hoping anyone had similar issues :)


Thanks for the BOSS suggestion, I'll run that!


EDIT: When you mentioned the color Dark Red, I realized something. The error isn't dark red, it's orange. From the readme:

Orange: Some mods have changed order. Oblivion and TESCS will adjust for this when you load. However, if some of the mods that you depend made conflicting changes to the same item, a different mod may now dominate because of the reordering.


Which basically mean... I've been worrying about something that probably isn't impacting my game? In that case, AWESOME!


Thanks a lot people, sorry about wasting your time :D


EDIT2: BOSS changed a few things, but the mods in question are still orange. Still, it probably avoided me some trouble in the future, thanks again.





Edited by airship
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If you do go down the bashed patch pathway here's a cut and paste rip of Hickory's instructions (believe me, he's the BIG DOG aka Indigenous species of Wrye Bash around here):

When you press 'Rebuild Patch', make sure that you check the following:


Merge Patches

Import ... [Go through each 'import' option and if there's a mod, not csv in the right window, check it, and the Import... option.]

Cobl Catalogs [ONLY if you use Cobl]

Contents Checker

Leveled Lists

Race Records

SEWorld Tests [ONLY if you have Shivering Isles installed]


The Globals and Tweaks are optional, but should not be checked unless you know what you are doing, and should be left alone while you are troubleshooting. Everything else should be left unchecked UNLESS you know that you need it.

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