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Mod that stops NPCs from fighting each other?


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Back to the Grogrokl's issue, in vanilla Oblivion NCPs in towns never randomly start killing each other, unless we talk about a guard and an actor with a bounty and without enough gold to pay.

You must have a mod which alter the actor's aggressivity, factions and/or races, which affect the disposition between them.

What mods do you have?

I don't think I have any such mod. But even in vanilla they sometimes to fight I think. In a recent event I refused to pay the bounty and was attacked by the guards and then a fellow thief guild member decided to help me and attacked the guards and got herself killed.

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Normally, an actor attack another one if his own aggression is higher than the disposition towards the target.

In vanilla, actors in town all have very low aggression and good disposition towards each other, so it's impossible for them to randomly start a fight under normal circumstances.


Still, a combat in town may start for some reasons:

  • The player or some NPC commit a crime and decide to resist the arrest (usually, if he/she can't pay the fine).
  • A quest/script trigger the fight between 2 or more actors.
  • A mod alter the actors aggression and/or disposition (even indirectly, by altering their factions or race)


In these cases, the battle begins and other actors may decide to join it and team up with someone depending on many factors:

  • disposition towards the actors in combat: they tends to help friends or faction's comrades (even if they are outlaws which are fighting the guards) or totally ignore the fight if they don't like anyone.
  • their own responsibility: actors with high responsibility tends to help other actors with the same alignment (good actors help good actors, evil actors help evil actors), while actors with low responsibility could help either good or evil actors, whoever they like the most.
  • their own confidence: actors with high confidence will join the fight to the death, while actors with low confidence tends to run away.

Of course, actors will also join the fight if they get hit (even unintentionally) by one of the fighters, but in that case they will always team up against the one who attacked them (either good or evil, friend or not) or run away if their confidence is low.



In vanilla Oblivion it all works fine and no actor in town die for this reason, with very rare exceptions, like actors killed by guards because they defended a criminal, actor killed by guards because they accidentally hit someone while practicing with arrows or spells,... but they always have a good reason to start a fight.


If in your game, in the towns, actors start random deathmatches in the streets for no apparent reason, it means some mod altered them, giving them higher aggression and/or lower disposition, which cause them to attack on sight specific actors or even anyone.

Edited by forli
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