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Well, shucks!


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So, this evening, I was doing a bit of parkour, and I dropped off of a 9 foot (3 meter) high roof, and unfortunately landed poorly. Now my ankle seems to be twisted. :confused:


Does anyone happen to have any not-widely known cures for a twisted ankle (besides the common "RICE")?


Plus, any suggestions as to what I should do during my recuperation?

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Well first let me say I hope you get better quickly. Now it come to it, RICE is just about the only thing that is worth using, trust me I work in a military hospital I see it a lot. You leave for the rest off the day and maybe all of tomorrow. Video games or hit me up on my profile or others'.


PS I used to tell people to twist it the other way, but don't to that. Wear loose shoes except when sleeping and wrap the ankle up so it is semi immovable for a couple days. Good Luck!!!

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PS I used to tell people to twist it the other way, but don't to that. Wear loose shoes except when sleeping and wrap the ankle up so it is semi immovable for a couple days. Good Luck!!!


Ouch. That seems like it would hurt. Ya' know, just a bit. :rolleyes:


Thankfully, I have my sheepskin slippers. Comfortable and warm. :happy:

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Aww, man! That's awful! :(


RICE really seems to be the best solution. I guess you could Google some other stuff if you wanted to, though.


I hope it gets better soon. :)

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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MUM sheep skin, very good stuff. It will take a couple days before it can bear weight again so take it easy as much as possible. And ya twisting the other way makes it worse, just was funny when my marines actually try to do it in front of me, ha ha ha good times!
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So, this evening, I was doing a bit of parkour, and I dropped off of a 9 foot (3 meter) high roof, and unfortunately landed poorly. Now my ankle seems to be twisted. :confused:


Does anyone happen to have any not-widely known cures for a twisted ankle (besides the common "RICE")?


Plus, any suggestions as to what I should do during my recuperation?


Is it wrong of me to say it could have been worse? I mean you could have shattered the bones in your foot, broke toes (oh god that must hurt), or you could have broke your leg.

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Is it wrong of me to say it could have been worse? I mean you could have shattered the bones in your foot, broke toes (oh god that must hurt), or you could have broke your leg.


True. I once fell 8 feet onto my back. That was not a pleasant experience. I have also broken several toes. The first time it was by playing kickball (lame, I know :rolleyes: ), and the second time it was during a sparring session during karate.


I have also broken both my arms at the same time, but luckily I have not yet broken a leg; nor do I hope to! :ohmy:

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OW! I'd say RICE is the best way as well. Get well soon :)


Broken bones are no fun...I shattered my wrist when I was kid rollerblading. It was lame because I was wearing wrist guards and it still happened! I even landed correctly...never understood why it even happened :(

Edited by Illiad86
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Ever kicked a cement soccer ball? (I hate my friends sometimes. Did I mention I don't like soccer?) Almost shattered my whole foot, according to the doctor :blink:


I also have a story to tell... My friend sprained his ankle by driving a quad off a 300 foot cliff :P He didn't see it when he turned the corner... Ah, memories... His quad basically exploded at the bottom :unsure: He jumped off it and rolled about 10 feet down.


In the case of your ankle, I'd say RICE would be the best option... Not that I've done it, but I haven't twisted my ankle before :P


Here's some quotes from here... Might be helpful to you :P


Rest: Rest the injured ankle, avoiding any activity that causes further pain. Meanwhile, you can maintain conditioning with activities that won't stress the joint, such as riding a stationary bicycle, using a rowing machine or swimming with leg floats.


Ice: Apply ice as soon as possible. Ice decreases pain immediately by numbing the skin and reduces swelling by constricting blood vessels. Much of the pain from an injury is caused by swelling from torn blood vessels. Controlling the swelling helps you make a speedier recovery.


Compression: Compress the swollen area with an elastic bandage. Begin the wrap at the toes and continue it up about four inches above the ankle. If you begin the wrap above the toes, all the swelling is likely to accumulate in the toes.


Elevation: Elevate the injured ankle as much as possible, particularly while applying ice; this allows gravity to drain some of the swelling. Place the ankle higher than the knee, the knee higher than the hip and the hip higher than the heart. Use books, a suitcase or a box under the mattress at night; this works better than a pillow.


Hope you get better! Having a bad ankle sucks...



Before you ask why it says to mantain condition of the ankle, to ride a stationary bike, rowing machine, etc., it's because its a sports site :P

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