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School Project


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What I would do in your shoes is take someone with me who would be willing to act as a witness and ask your teacher, absolutely plainly and clearly, if she is expecting you to download and copy music from the internet which is copyrighted. If she says no, I would then ask if she expects you to get someone else to do it on your behalf. If she says yes to either question, I would then point out that she is guilty of incitement to commit piracy, as she is inciting you to commit piracy, or inciting you to get someone else to commit piracy for you. If she answers no to both questions, I would ask her to explain simply, clearly and concisely exactly how she expects you to obtain the music for your assignment. If she can't come up with any suggestions, then suggest to her that the whole assignment is flawed as it is impossible to complete without breaking the law or massive expense on your part to buy the music. Come to think of it, even if you went to the expense of buying the music for your assignment, most countries copyright laws prohibit the public playing of copyrighted music, so, again, you wouldn't be able to play it for the purposes of your assignment.


If this doesn't make her see reason, have a word with the principal, and, if this gets you nowhere, ask your local police station to have a word with the school.

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White Wolf,


Have I ever told you I like the way you think? If not, make sure you know I do. I think I should try that, now technically, I do not need a witness, since the WHOLE class has the same assignment. So, I thank everyone for the help, I will get back to you on what happened.

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