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Optimized cities?


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I'm seeing all sorts of mods on the Nexus that help frame rate and optimize everything, but for someone like me, that's like putting an industrial sized band-aid over a paper cut. I can run the game on Ultra with no problems out in the wastes, but as soon as I'm in the middle of a city, my frame rate tanks (towns are fine, its only the city that gives me problems).


So basically, I'm looking for a mod that will only optimize cities and reduce frame rate drop in the city instead of everywhere. I'm not surprised that the game drops frames the way it does given how all their other games handle, and for the most part I don't see it drop below 30fps. But cities destroy any good frame rate I have going. I could go from 45fps to 15fps real quick. Add enemies on top of that, explosions in the distance, etc, and you've got a recipe for disaster.


So does anyone know if there are any mods out there or any in development that would fix only the cities? Or anyone that could point me in the right direction? I'd greatly appreciate the help and I would gladly award you with +5 internets. Any ini tweaks that could solve my problem would also be appreciated and awarded +2 internets.

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