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CS modding question


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Perfect thanks! Its 99.99% done. But whats left is, I need to figure out how to eep the modders resource furniture to stay in the house. Everytime I enter the house ingame, the custom furniture isnt there. In the CS, when I load up my mod interior, its not even registered that its there. Is it not as simple as drag, drop, position and save?
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Nice job AgentMalder ... I hope you don't mind I did a 'ride along' on Hickory's fixes (always looking to learn more, and Hickory has a high quality pickable brain, even when picked secondhand). I particularly liked the desktop 'fast cash' option (although your mod description should warn of the Cheat Chest contents as unbalancing for early level players). The layout and options like storage are good (and who doesn't like to show off some plunder in display cases ... perhaps a couple of barrel/chests in either of the closets off the study, maybe one a modest food re-spawn). A chair or two by the fire (if they can fit in) might be nice too.


The only issues I found that may limit your 'target audience' are around path griding and making the beds and chairs persistent references. Those two changes will make your abode 'companion friendly'. Path grids are accessed in the CS from the World --> Edit Cell Path Grid off the menu or the Path Grid toolbar button (has small orange dots connected by yellow lines). A couple of CS Wiki resources here and here. The beds and chairs are made persistent by double clicking each in the Render window and selecting Persistent Reference in the Reference dialog.


My only other suggestion is to find out about possible location conflicts, so you can give a heads up about them in your mod description. I think there's a 'real estate' resource somewhere here ... perhaps someone will have the link for you. Again, nice job! :thumbsup:

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Thanks for the feedback.

I've added the markers and am now currently testing them and so far so good. A few bugs with the path but nothing a little tweak here and there wont change. I will be sure to make the furniture 'persistently referenced'. I will be sure to mention the cheats, but the things on the desk, I just put there to make the table look more 'bling', but undoutebly some people may not like that. Anyway, I think I figured out what I was doing wrong with the chairs: I had to make a new furniture bit but use the .nif from the modders resource (i thinks thats logical). But the problem with that there are no seating markers (I thinks thats what they are called). How do I get those back or put new ones?


P.S.: I'm going to pull the file from mediafire. If you want to look at the new refined version before release, PM me and I will put it back on mediafire and PM you the link


Thanks guys for all the help.

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I'll be good with the Nexus link at product launch, unless you're looking for beta testers. I'm wondering on your chair problem if you're selecting from Statics as opposed to Furniture in the Object window list. In your Cell View window, do they show a little chair icon or a blue house shaped icon (blue is bad for sitting ... i.e. static). Edited by Striker879
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The AgentMalder collection. :thumbsup: I love it!



Yes it has a certain ring to it ;)



Edit: BTW, I tested it with up to 6 companions in the house at the same time. Even though there are only 4 places to sleep, it kinda works on a first there, first serve. Kinda funny to see them all pushing each other out of the way as they sprint to grab a bed.

Edited by AgentMalder
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We're entertained by some of the same 'CM Partner experiments'. I avoid 'practice magic' now ... unless I feel like reviving someone or buffing my own restoration stat keeping the 'friendly fire' victims alive. They excel at knocking stuff on the floor, gives my 'grab' key skills a workout ... too bad there's no skill bonuses on level-up for that. :tongue:
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Yeah. Or otherwise we could be picking stuff up from the other side of the room.


By the way, keep me informed if your beta testing. Would like to see how many mistakes I made in my first mod.

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Missed seeing your beta test link. The first links I only looked at in the CS. Where in game will I find the house and I'll give'r a spin.


Edit: Got it from the readme ... seek and ye shall find.

Edited by Striker879
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