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Shouldn't the player be pretty much immune to damage in PA?


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I'm not talking about god mode. What I mean is instead of a .38 pipe pistol killing you with bug bites while you're wearing power armor, the player should be immune to all damage except radiation and explosive damage (very reduced, of course) and instead, the power armor itself loses health and once a piece is broken, then any attacks that hit the now exposed body part will do normal damage (maybe still reduced a little by the PA frame). Power Armor literally, by the lore, turns the wearer into a walking tank. The wearer shouldn't be hurt at all while in the power armor except for taking reduced damage from radiation and close range explosions due to concussive force.

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I almost always attack that one commander guy at hub city auto wreckers with an auto assault rifle it is fun to watch his PA peel off while unloading on him and at the same time I can't figure out why they left him without a helmet. When I do this I am thinking he shouldn't be hurting until after I break the armor part I am shooting at.

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Err.. dogs attack power armor? Good luck with that Fido, let me know how it works out for you... Ditto raiders armed with tire-irons, flying stinging insect (and I don't care how big they are your telling me this bug could sting a tank to death!) Deathclaws I'll grant could probably pull your arms and legs off and as molerats burrow through steel reinforced concrete they might eventually do more than chip your paintwork but as the cheerful manic in the video explained A.P. is a function of velocity so the only thing that realistically, immersivly portray wearing this incredibly ponderous Juggernaut suit for me is [tilde] TGM

Edited by SayinNuthin
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