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Better Scavenger Station Linked to Scrapper Perk


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So it's come to my attention that 1 scavenger station will put out 3 random items per in game day. Even with having 50+ scavenger stations spread out all of my settlements, it's doesn't seem to be enough. Especially when you want to avoid spending all game time on picking up junk.

I would like to request a mod that allows the construction 3 Tiers of Scavenger Station (that reflect the scrapper perk) where higher level scrapper perk permits you to build higher tier scavenger station. 3rd Tier station will be just a expensive Scavenger Station that is only possible after Scrapper Perk is lvl 2.

1st Tier = station out puts 6 common random junk per day. (Bone, Ceramic, cloth, concrete, cork, fertilizer, lead, plastic, steel, wood, acid, leather, glass, screw, rubber ,aluminum, antiseptic, gears, springs)

2nd Tier = station out puts 6 common junk per day + 3 rare junk. (Crystal, copper, oil, circuitry, ballistic fiber, fiberglass, asbestos, fiber optics, silver, adhesive, gold, nuclear material)

3rd Tier = Station out puts 6 common junk per day + 1 rare junk and ability to generate a shipment of random material every 7 days. (1 shipment of random material)

In Game Objects

1st Tier = Scavenger Station with the armor station attached to it. (but act as one object in an L shape)

2nd Tier = Scavenger Station with Armor Station and Chem station attached to it. (act as one object but will be like a U shape)

3rd Tier = I hope this will Be possible. It will be an Armor Station and a Chem Station, but instead of the Scavenger Station in the middle, it will be a Computer Station from the Institute or model from just a Lab.

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That's a great idea.


If I could add, scrapper stations & workers would def feel more immersive. Workers assigned to breaking down objects into usable pieces, along with a couple animations using torches, screwdrivers, etc. Linked to the above scavenger stations and deposited in the workshop. The way it is now just doesn't feel right.


I'm currently trying to write out what would make settlements and settlers useful and more attached to the world.

Edited by BadReplicant
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That's a great idea.


If I could add, scrapper stations & workers would def feel more immersive. Workers assigned to breaking down objects into usable pieces, along with a couple animations using torches, screwdrivers, etc. Linked to the above scavenger stations and deposited in the workshop. The way it is now just doesn't feel right.


I'm currently trying to write out what would make settlements and settlers useful and more attached to the world.

Yeah, I feel like Bethesda really ran out of time to really do things for settlement. Kind of feel rushed you know? A lot of tooltips for many mechanics of the game seems.... lacking.


I think there are many things that can be done to make the settlement developments feel more immersive. I could go on and on about what could make the settlement building experience more fun. First would be to making it more useful so players can focus on building/questing instead of running around micromanaging resources when you have over 90 settlers. Once you have supply lines set up, I feel like the building settlement portion should become more about building/assigning.


I agree it would be nice if items you have in one workstation in one settlements should be available in all connected settlements.


Would be nice if there was a mod that makes the settlement building experience much more pleasurable. Probably won't happen until GECK is out with script extensions.




I support this, but I'm not sure if the ingame object should look like that.

I'm currently thinking about temporary solution for ingame object since, I have zero idea about what kind of model/objects can be used for mods without GECK. Ideally I would love to see a scavenging station look like it can process junk/metals right there so it goes along with the stations ability to scavenge rare materials.

Edited by maddmaxx
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