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anyone know a good place to get clothing


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sort of bored of the usual same clothing and armor weapons etc, if you know any ood places for new stuff tell me, i dont really care what stuff it is

In the stock version, Thoronir of The Copius Coinpurse in the Imperial City sells a Shirt/Suspender set that never generates in random loot. Though I think he tosses it out if he ever finds out where it came from.


The only Grey Hood in the game is sitting in Gnoll Mountian.


While the Red Velvet Outfit (a redress of the Blue Velvet Outfit) is available in certain stores (and one is sitting in a display case in Anvil) I've seen only one NPC ever wear the thing, and he's only in the game temporarily (and you'll never seen him if you never join the Dark Brotherhood). So that counts as a unique look, though I do not recommend it for male characters.

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