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Texture overload?


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I have the Legendary version. On top of that is the Hi res DLC, on top of that is the optimized vanilla textures as well as the optimized hi res dlc, then comes a summer version of Skyrim , then I have many texture mods from various artists that cover just about everything again.....;)......



So I was wondering if I could cut out all the hi res dlc and optimized dlc and vanilla textures and the summer mod and just lay down Tamriel Reloaded complete and a few favored texture mods on top of vanilla Skyrim. Does this sound more efficient or am I missing something by dropping the hi res dlc and its optimizers?

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I have been advised many, many times to not use the Official Bethesda High Res Textures, apparently are a heavy load on your Graphics Card...thus I don't use the Officials. High Res Textures of all sorts though do place extra strain on your Game, so depending on your Rig...do keep in mind no matter your Rig Bethesda's Skyrim engine does have it's own limitations you can only push so far.

Then it all comes down to what you want in your Game, if beauty is your only interest with willingness to sacrifice other elements for it, then just take time to test how far you can push your game with an ENB and added textures...If you want more NPC's or Challenge's, etc...everything extra is an extra load on your Game, is all a balancing act...I can get away with a lower impact ENB, plus some minor textures, most on the less demanding end of the scale and have my Battles more difficult and challenging, a few more NPC's in the world and other other activities and have a stable Game. Just experiment with your goal towards what you want to achieve, adding a few layers at a time, not trying to build your Game all in one hit...you will find what your Game can and can not handle :)

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