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Backspace cause freezeup


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I am using a journal mod so I am writing a bit and have been using backspace to erase letters.

However I have noticed that every time I press the backspace key when in Oblivion, no matter what I do the game seems to freeze up for a second or so. Do anyone know why this happens? It is really annoying when trying to erase letters since it makes everything freeze for every letter you try to erase. :/

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Are you using an ENB or enBoost? by default, those mods use the backspace key to reload the values from the configuration values. This will cause a stutter each time it is pressed, very annoying. to fix it, open your Enbseries.ini (or enblocal.ini if its enboost i think) and look for



and change 8 (the key code for backspace) to 0 (nothing).
I also recommend changing KeyFPSLimit=0. Sometimes mods will use the home key which it is bound to by default, and unless you are using the fps limiter in your enb settings to good effect (most likely not, oblivion stutter remover should be the way to cap fps) then you probably want it disabled. Accidentally pressing it can cause massive fps drops (pretty much in half)
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