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Hello to all Admins and moderators, I have heard straight from the horses mouth so to say that i may be getting banned for a small fight happening in the RP threads. its seems one of your mods (not saying any names) has taken it upon himself to modify my posts and lock down a thread that really had no reason to be locked, As i have told others i have Wiped my hands clean of this fight, thus the point where i try to compensate for my ignorance of certain RP rules, i edited my posts, and the end result, well the moderator does not like the fact i edited my posts and locked the thread, now i would just as easily start a new thread if i did not believe i would get into more trouble for it. This moderator, i hate to say seems to have let the power go to his head, i will never speak to this moderator and have blocked him from communicationg to me on AIM and both his PM names, i care not about his loyalty or whatever the reason you have hired him as moderator here, but this post is to say whole heartdly that i am sorry for the inconvience i have caused within the RP thread


Thank you for your time,


Jouko Akujin.

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Ok, since a few of the facts are being left out here:


1) Initially, I made two minor edits to the orriginal posts that were in violation of rp forum rules, changing "I successfully attack" to "I try to attack". Note, I kept the intent the same, I just added room for a response from the player he was attacking.

2) I later locked the thread since it had turned into an off topic arguement.

3) The "ignorance of rules" arguement is an exaggeration at best. Even when I quoted the rules for him, he posted arugements that they did not apply, instead of accepting his mistake and promising not to continue it. Also, I have indirectly heard that he has done very similar things in at least one other thread, and was informed of it. Note, this was before this latest incident.

4) I was blocked, not for this, but for informing him that a completely different thread of his was in violation of rules. He claimed the rules did not apply, and blocked me to prevent any more replies.

5) I am not requesting a ban for "a small fight happening in the RP threads". I am merely requesting a strike for inability to follow rp forum rules, something that has clear precedent. I Am That Is Matthias was given a strike for very similar actions. The fact that Jouko has two strikes already for completely different reasons is irrelevant here.

6) Despite what Jouko may believe, and would like to imply here, this is not a personal conflict between us. All of my complaints with him are backed up by clearly established forum rules. As well as by the opinions of other members, including at least one other moderator. I have not "let the power go to my head", and in fact am not issuing any punishment until and unless the rest of the mods agree.

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It wasn't half obvious that it was Peregrine that you were talking about, despite the fact that i have seen posts about Jouko from a number of people, not just mods.


Also, would you be acting any different if you didn't already have 2 strikes, which i assume you deserved?


These forums have a set of rules for a reason. The least you could do is show some respect and read them, instead of claiming ignorance.

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Well - I'd like to add my .02 here (stop groaning at the back!)


It seems that here we have a classic example of misinformation - Jouko seems to believe one thing, while Peregrine seems to believe another. This could get into a flame war, with one side contradicting another ad infinitum. Hopefully, this will not be the case.


I can't make an opinion here really, as presumably if Peregrine locked it then it has been taken to the bowels of the new Censored board, that us mortals can nay see. Soo... all I would say is this: Watch out. Peregrine, you have a short fuse, so try not to let it get the best of you here - and it seems that you haven't, which is cool :)... as for Jouko, then try to post the WHOLE story, rather than just your half, mmkay?


God, that sounded just like my father... :whistling:

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my second strike was because daerk got annoyed because i asked him a question. And you wisdom is well put reborn but i would be doing this even if i had no strikes because he locked a damn good thread because he says it was off topic when i was trying to get back on topic.



but as i have said I have wiped my hands clean of this mess and you can do what you wish with this thread, i gave me regrets for what i did and thats the end of it.

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Actually, I just locked, not deleted the thread. It is here for anyone who wants to see it. But be warned, Jouko has edited most of his posts that I objected to so it won't make much sense. If there's any question about the original content, pm me and I'll give you an approximate copy.


As for locking, the thread had gone off topic. Nothing is preventing that story from continuing with a reference to the old thread, but the discussion is over in that one. There had already been one other post (not from Jouko or I) discussing the rules complaints, and I didn't want it to continue there. And honestly, it was getting a bit spammy with a long series of "I sleep" posts from Jouko, one after each comment from me or someone else. So if anyone wants to continue the story, go ahead and make a new thread for it.

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