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Question on red stats


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Vets... Quick question for you. I've a charter that is level 32 now and for several levels now his statistics (str, etc.) are in the red. They seem to decrease as I level, save for when I up them at time of leveling. Are these age effects? If so, why would non-physical stats decrease? Or, do I have a bug of some sort (the game or the character)? Drinking cure potions seems not to help, and I've taken care of any diseases that it's told me that I've contracted.





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Let's start out with the obvious: have you prayed at the Altar of the Nine in order to restore the damaged attributes?


Some poisons and magical weapons (enchanted Dremora claymores in Oblivion have this nasty effect) will cause damage to your stats, which can be restored at the Chapels.

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Thanks, that did it! Gosh, it's been a while I guess since I prayed at an alter. Not a pious man, I suppose. My stats look oh so much better now. I didn't realize those Deaedric weapons would have those effects long-term w/o some kind of warning. Yikes. I'll become quite pious now!



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It's actually the Dremora weapons (the poor man's Daedric) claymores that tend to be enchanted with Damage Attribute spells— Agility and Strength being the most telling.


There are poisons that Damage Attributes a well, and Wil-o-Wisps have a particularly nasty talent of sucking/damaging your magical qualities— notably Intelligence and Willpower.


Spider Daedra have a close-range Power that can damage your Agility and Speed.


Aside from praying at Altars, there are certain alchemical formulas and ingredients that can Restore damaged Attributes. Primrose restores Willpower, Cloud Funnel mushrooms Intelligence, Somnalius restores Speed, etc.


As to your expressed fear earlier— characters are ageless. You have no time limit or a life expectancy.

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  • 4 months later...
Vets... Quick question for you. I've a charter that is level 32 now and for several levels now his statistics (str, etc.) are in the red. They seem to decrease as I level, save for when I up them at time of leveling. Are these age effects? If so, why would non-physical stats decrease? Or, do I have a bug of some sort (the game or the character)? Drinking cure potions seems not to help, and I've taken care of any diseases that it's told me that I've contracted.






One other thing is that if your character gets good at healing you can get eight spells the cure each if you attributes. This makes it much easier to explore because you do not have to stop and return to a town and heal then go back to your dungeon quite as often.



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