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naked unarmed guards aren't as much of a challenge


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So I've installed a few mods, including the natural bodies all in one mod, real skin and the improved atmosphere mods. I'm enjoying all the mods but the one problem is that several NPCs are now strolling around naked, casual as you like. Not just that, but several guards are also missing their swords, and now fights really aren't that exciting (who knew, bring fists to a sword fight isn't a great idea.)


Does anyone know how to fix this glitch? Not only guards, but several civilian NPCs are naked too. Just redid the opening up to Ostagar, and Wynne is talking to me about the Fade with her bits out like nothing is out of the ordinary. Tis rather unsettling.



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Of the mods you've listed, Improved Atmosphere is the only one that alters NPC equipment assignments.


Naked!NPCs or those missing part of their garb can happen for several reasons, including


installing a mod that changes the gear after an area has been entered (equipped items are baked into game saves as soon as an area is loaded for the first time)

missing assets (prerequisite mods not installed, or mods incorrectly/partially installed)

conflicting equipment assignments (as when multiple UTC files for the same NPC are installed)


I've never used Improved Atmosphere, and so cannae speak to any specifics, but again, that's the only mod you've mentioned that would cause such a thing.

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Sounds like the culprit was Improved Atmosphere (make sure you installed the hotfix from the comments too or you'll find more naked NPCs) but something else to keep an eye out for is that any fixpacks that include a fix for the stat check for equipping gear (I know Dragon Age Rules Fixpack by gastank does at least) can also result in NPCs missing clothing/items, if they've been assigned items over their level.

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