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Container Display Mod


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your welcome :) I am new to Skyrim, can you tell me what editor for that ? so far I just using TES4edit and TES4 CSE for Oblivion


return base object yeah its pretty confusing, I wanna scream out of stress hahaha

gonna try GetInvRefsForItem

it seems this syntax will solve my problem

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No problem. I am trying hard not to come across as a total jerk. Which happens pretty easily, I have noticed. :tongue:


For Skyrim, there is TES5Edit at Skyrim Nexus and Creation Kit in the Tools section in Steam. I myself use Sublime Text 3 (separate program, like Notepad++ but far superior and not free, though there is an unlimited 'evaluation period') with Sublime Papyrus by MrJack (available at Skyrim Nexus) for scripting and it works wonders! Also helps me keep all the scripts in their own folders with Mod Organizer, as Sublime Papyrus lets the user import several folders at compile time, removing the need to have all scripts in some specific folder. Also, shademe has a Creation Kit Extender under construction at GitHub (or at least had last I checked), but I think it is still very much a WIP and shademe has not been too active this year, at least from what I have noticed.


But to not derail the thread completely, you can cycle through all inventory references by the iterator thing:

ref   rItem
ref   rContainer
float fHealth

ForEach rItem <- rContainer
    let fHealth := -123.45
    let fHealth := rItem.GetCurrentHealth
    MessageBoxEX "Item: %n%rFormID: %i%rHealth: %.2f", rItem rItem fHealth

But I suppose listing all inventory refs should also work. And yes, syntax will be the death of me, too. But then again, it makes it easier to do things the right way, when there is only one way to do things. :happy:


Edit: Why on earth did I put 'no problem' at the start of the post?! Jeez. I seriously need to get some sleep soon... :facepalm:

Edited by PhilippePetain
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Hei Sir (btw I sent you a PM)

I've made an updateversion 2 for that mod "Fix Container Disappear Bug"

with a better approach, you can try that

tell me if it works


EDIT : Oh my God ! I just noticed recently when opened TES4 CSE

there is game file script named 'QQuix' inside there is a text says

setFunctionValue "I was the one who brought up the idea for Coda, CSE's scripting language for the CS environment! Woohoo!!"

so this thread is alredy visited by GREAT people lol

Edited by lubronbrons
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