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Stutter/Lagging When Using Console Command w/ Realvision ENB


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Whenever I use console command to search for and add items, I get terrible stuttering and lag until I hit escape. The game needs to be restarted completely to get rid of this problem. And this only happens when Realvision ENB is loaded. There are no problems when playing with the ENB on and without using the console to add items (I was able to call showracemenu without subsequent lag problem). Could this be related to memory usage?

I'm running an i7-3700k with a 780ti 3gb and 16gb ram

I'm also using Mod Organizer, SKSE 1.7.3, RealVision ENB 279b (full install w/ ELFX)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Are you using ENB to limit framerate and/or handle Vsync? For some reason using console commands basically kills the ENB handling of these things - the only workaround I've found is hitting Ctrl+Alt+Delete, then quitting it and when the game unfreezes framerates will be back under ENB control, no idea why this should be it would be best to ask developer Boris on his forums.


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  • 9 months later...

I actually found the solution to this, it happens because the default hotkey for ENB's brute force mode is mapped to the 'b' key by default, so I'm betting that the console command you were typing had a b in it. To fix it you can change the hotkey in the enblocal.ini file to something that won't get hit when you're typing a console command. There should be an [iNPUT] section where you can find the option.


This page might help with changing the settings: http://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:ENBlocal_INI/Input

Edited by pgillen2015
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