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Need help removing concussive shockwave effect from exploding frag grenades.


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As the title states, I think it looks cheap, tacky and completely unrealistic.


I was hoping one of the fine mod authors here on the nexus might point me in the right direction for attempts to remove or minimize the effect before I just start modifying random variables in an attempt to get lucky.


I have been looking in Image Space Adapter > ExplosionGrenadeFragImod [0015B07D] - but I'm not even sure if I'm in the right place. Or if the settings/variables are even able to be accessed/read/decoded by the current FO4Edit version, or if I can even mod this without CK...


Any input will be appreciated.




Edit: Seems to affect most grenades... could be that .nif animations need to be edited to remove/minimize this effect.

Edited by kraag
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s#*!, I'd guess that was a particle effect. I'll look in unpacked .Ba2 but don't expect very much, cause the game is too new for little s#*! to get on my nerves , an we still have Skyrim it's calling us pretty hard, an TTW is alpha almost as nice as the call to Skyrim.

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Guest deleted2588518

It might not be tied directly to the frag itself and might be somewhere in the actual explosion type. I think even Molotov's have the effect but I'm not 100% sure. I'd love a way to remove the huge white screen of idiocy that comes with Molotov's. If you play with the darker nights mod at night and have a raider toss one at you the whole screen goes white for a few seconds. Its ridiculous. Maybe that's why the default game doesn't have any actual darkness. Because all their effects would just wash out the screen all the time. >.>

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Well in the past that would just be the fade to white IMOD, image space modifier, there was image space, an then IMOD would override that. Don't know but it's possible. Personally I haven't seen much of the game, but I would think that a Molotov would look like, holly s#*! fire in the face, though I lack a image to describe that in a virtual reality currently. XD

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I'm not a fan of the in-game flames/fire at all, I don't think it looks as good as it could have... same with water explosions - feels like they forgot about it and then just quickly tacked something on before release. But back to topic, played around with some variables within the IMAD > ExplosionGrenadeFragImod but it did not change anything. More testing is needed.


Most other grenades have the same shockwave effect to a lesser or greater degree.

Edited by kraag
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Fade to white, an fade to black, was generic in the past, anywhere it was needed something just activated it, simple really. Kind of takes the magic out of the FO3 opening though. You could get a ENB for those flames, I'm sure someone made all that pop. Then if you have NO ENB, zomg, please sit down. Cause Vogue ENB fixes most of the way the game looks, as a high performance ENB preset to get the game to look as it was intended on PC. Well, among various other requirements to fix the PC version to which is borderline unplayable if you ask me, though we have been in kind of a crazy modded FO3/FNV/Skyrim among other games. It could just be we raised our own standards. LOL

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OK replies here :D

1:13 - darren: if you could tell him "The node you are looking for is in the nif and called "refraction" just ctrl+del it, there should be 2 per explosion nif. If you release all I ask is a link to build a bear cause it's awesome"

1:14 - darren: It's the Nibillboardnode he wants to delete, and obviously everything inside it

1:15 - darren: It's in all the explosion nifs as far as I can tell.... going to use that template to make some funny s*** though I can feel it in me bones

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