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Please do not endorse small mods.


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I'm gonna be completely honest, I'm tired of seeing these vanilla voiced hot female followers that somehow always reach the hot files. But that doesn't mean I think nobody should endorse them. These kind of followers probably appeal to a lot of players. And frankly I've also endorsed some of these followers, although only when they aside from being hot also had some other unique element.


That being said, I don't see how putting small or 'took 20 minutes to make' mods at the bottom of the list is going to help anything. It might make matters worse. A lot of mod authors started with small mods, now imagine barely anyone would have given endorsements to their small mods. I don't think a lot of them would still have had the encouragement to continue modding.


Also, while I understand where you're coming from for the most part, I don't get your logic in 'If everyone would endorse every mod they download, they would all have the same rating'. How so? Maybe if everyone would download the same mods, but people have different tastes so amount of downloads is going to differ for every mod.

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Another thing MisterMaximvs...one of your mods is around 20kb and the others are all 10kb or less and appear to be simple value tweaks...

The most difficult thing in these would be finding the proper records...


Are you suggesting that people shouldn't endorse your mods either?

Edited by cjthibs
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Lol. I don't care about my mods, bro. It's why I gave full permission to anyone to take it and use them in their mods if they want. They're just changed values here and there, nothing impressive.


Yes, those sexy mods got ridiculously high endorsements. Not exactly what I was talking about in my thread, but I do see what you mean. I'm just trying to suggest a little less modder bromance like subjectivity and a little more objectivity and criticism when endorsing someone's mod, so a mod's quantity of endorsement can reflect the quality of the mod.

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Endorsements are encouragement for new (i.e. small) modders. What if T3nd0 hadn't received endorsements on his first mods, would we have SkyRe or PerMa today?


Well, I'm not as cool as those, but meh, some of us don't get discouraged easily either. My first attempts at making my own meshes were more of a case of 'hilarity ensues', and one of the first comments on my lightsabers for FO3 was '**** YOU!' Only without the asterisks :wink:


Oh, of course, not everyone is the same. My point was that OP would have potentially great modders sidelined for simply having small mods. That ain't right. Credit should go where it is due.

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I see an endorsement as a way to tell the author he/she is doing a good job and a way to more or less tell them to keep doing what they are doing, not to rate the mod itself neccesarely.


I endorsed mods that crashed instantly, just because the idea was good, offcourse you do tell the author the mod has a problem that needs fixing in that case but also to not give up.


There are also enough searchfilters to narrow down your search, and yes some good mods small and big get lost quickly in the avalanche of mods. But at least for me and i bet a lot of others, part of modding the game is scrolling thtough countless pages searching for that one gem everyone overlooked.


This argument is moot because that's not what is happening at all. There are mods with 10,000 endorsements already, and some with 20. Why? Because everyone isn't downloading every mod. There's nothing wrong with the current system. I've yet to ever see a mod get lost through the cracks because of mass endorsements...

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I see an endorsement as a way to tell the author he/she is doing a good job and a way to more or less tell them to keep doing what they are doing, not to rate the mod itself neccesarely.

I endorsed mods that crashed instantly, just because the idea was good, offcourse you do tell the author the mod has a problem that needs fixing in that case but also to not give up.

There are also enough searchfilters to narrow down your search, and yes some good mods small and big get lost quickly in the avalanche of mods. But at least for me and i bet a lot of others, part of modding the game is scrolling thtough countless pages searching for that one gem everyone overlooked.


This argument is moot because that's not what is happening at all. There are mods with 10,000 endorsements already, and some with 20. Why? Because everyone isn't downloading every mod. There's nothing wrong with the current system. I've yet to ever see a mod get lost through the cracks because of mass endorsements...

Well, when i first came to this site, new to modding my guideline was most downloaded and endorsements. A lot of newcomers look at those numbers that way though it's not really meant for that, just because everyone seems to like it means i have to like it. Later you learn to simply ignore those numbers and simply take your time scrolling reading, downloading testing, mod for mod.


And only then do you find the mods you like regardless of endorsements, so yes mods that do not deserve it do get lost for the masses but not for people who search.


Most people simply think, oww that has 20.000 endorsements, 80.000 dl's that has to be good lets get it, or hey that's on the frontpage let's get that instead of looking further. In that regard i understand what the op is saying and why i think.


What could be a possibility though is to reset the endorsements every year and keep an archive. There's mods on the front pages for Skyrim from release that are long obsolete and have been completely rewritten or replaced by others. Simply see what was the most endorsed mod 2011-2012-2013 etc. Etc. That is something else then the topfiles of all time.

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I would warn against just assuming what's easy and what's hard, unless you've made it yourself. I can tell you for example that, sure, my first FO4 mod was just a 6-line batch file, and it took like a whole minute to type it, BUT finding those settings with a hex editor and finding out what they do and how they work together, that took days. Not only those values and the formula weren't documented on any Wiki back then, but they STILL aren't.


Now I'm not saying you should endorse my stuff. Hell if I care, really. But it can get annoying to be told what was easy and what wasn't, by someone who has no idea.

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I'll endorse how I like.


I would warn against just assuming what's easy and what's hard, unless you've made it yourself. I can tell you for example that, sure, my first FO4 mod was just a 6-line batch file, and it took like a whole minute to type it, BUT finding those settings with a hex editor and finding out what they do and how they work together, that took days. Not only those values and the formula weren't documented on any Wiki back then, but they STILL aren't.


Now I'm not saying you should endorse my stuff. Hell if I care, really. But it can get annoying to be told what was easy and what wasn't, by someone who has no idea.

Feel like that pretty much sums it up.


Also, seems like you're just content to whine instead of putting forth a reasonable alternative

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