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Star Wars inspired blasters (and possibly paint for power armor)


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I was wondering if anyone could be inspired to create weapons from the Star Wars Franchise like the E-11 blaster (The standard Imperial Storm Trooper blaster), the EE-3 blaster (Boba Fett's weapon), the Wookie Bowcaster, the DL-44, and explosive grenades like the Thermal Detonator.


I think it's resonable, since the fallout universe already has the tech for these things. Also, usable lightsabers would be great, considering that the fallout universe again, utilizes plasma based technology.


I think some of the armors and how they work already lend themselves to Storm Trooper armor, and the materials exist, like plastic and cloth, rubber, etc...


If plastic looks too stupid to be functional for those of you, there's anew Storm Trooper captain, Captain Phasma with metallic armor that would be cool.


Also, paint to make power armor look like Darth Vader's suit (makes sense, since the Breathing Device would make technological sense because it's a mod for the power armor already, the helmet like Vader's could be craftable. Also, Vader has cybernetic enhancements for his lost limbs, kind of like power armor in a way, even though it's a prosthetic set of limbs, it functions similarly to power armor frames. Raiders already have their own version, so fashioning power armor to look a certain way would make sense.) If not, paint jobs that would make power armor look a certain way would be awesome, like a DVader or Stormtrooper paint coat


Also, making some kind of combat armor/helmet like the Mandalorian armor that the Fett's wear or even recreating the armor of Jango or Boba would be effing badass.

Edited by oldspice2625
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