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[Help] how to install a mod manually


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First time downloading mod from nexus, and i have no idea what to do with the files i downloaded.


I have been using GECK alot for fallout 3 and new vegas, mainly to edit some values from recipes, weapons and armors.


Sofar i would like to try it without using the mod manager.


So the mods i downloaded were zip files, i unzipped them and each of them has a .esp file plus texture and mesh folder, i assume i just put the .esp files in the data folder where my other .esp are also at.


But what do i do with the texture/mesh folders?

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You should have a Meshes & textures folder in your Data folder.

If not, you can create them or dump the ones from your mod in the Data folder.


These are called "loose files" and they will have precedence on the one in the BSA.


To uninstall, delete the files you have installed (not the complete folder) and the esp/esm.


The more mod you will add, the more the Meshes and textures folder will start to fill up with sub folders and files, so it is very important to keep track of the different files installed and where precisely they are installed for trouble shooting and uninstall.


Manual install gives you total control of the process but also require a little time and some focus.


Good luck!

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