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hey there i don't have the experience to make this mod but i was looking for someone to make a clothing and weapons and possibly magic mod with designs from the anime RWBY i think it would look pretty awesome and i would definitely think it would suit Skyrim so if anyone can throw ideas or even better make the mod it would be much appreciated to the community... :)

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I personally am not able to help create this mod, but I found this from someone on the RWBY fb page:














These are the character models from the game Grimm Eclipse. I don't know how these could be ported into skyrim and used as playable characters or npcs, but perhaps someone else on here does :)

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Legally, they probably can't be used, and a mod using them would likely be removed from the Nexus. Taking assets directly from other games is a big no-no around here. Of course, there's nothing stopping anyone from making their own models that just happen to look very similar.

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