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Custom Buildings Tutorial?


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Can anyone point me toward a good tutorial for creating custom buildings for Oblivion? Looked everywhere to no avail.


Please PM me if you do.


I'm using 3DS Max.



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So, what exactly are you looking for? A 3dsmax tutorial on how to build the model itself? An import tutorial for getting it into Oblivion?


If it's the second, I'm just basing this on Morrowind (Oblivion sucks, I won't touch it), but importing it should be easy once you have all the plugins. Buildings are just static objects, so it should be pretty straightforward. Just follow the directions that come with the plugins.


If it's the first, I might be able to help you if you have a specific question. But if you want to know everything, I would say that's the problem you get when you pirate your software. Just spend a few minutes on google, there are plenty of tutorials out there to get you started.

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Start off trying to make weapons, they'll get you familiar with how to export from 3ds and how to use Nifscope to get them working. Use the .nif exporter











0.2.9 for max 7 or 8

0.2.10 for max 9


I Collision export is buggy with 0.2.10, If you don't have max 9, use the 0.2.9 exporter. If you have max 9, you'll need to get collision working another way. I believe there is a workaround somewhere.


Start simple, work from there. Large buildings and whole interiors shouldn't be more than 10,000 polygons. Small buildings, pieced interiors, and structures should be much fewer.

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