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Can someone tweak this for me? (AutoMail)


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Bypass the Creation Kit.

(Please note, NifSkope portion would be necessary even if using the Creation Kit)


Get NifSkope

In the Block List window (top left), expand the entries (click on the little triangles)

Find the desired NiTriShape (mesh)

Find the BSDismemberSkinInstance entry for the chosen NiTriShape (expand further if need be) and highlight it.

In the Block Details window (bottom of screen), expand the Partitions entry

Change the Body Part setting from the value it is to the one you want.

Quick note: Skyrim Body Parts in NifSkope are labled SBP_XX_Name where XX is the numerical value and the name is the commonly associated body position for that numerical value.


Finally, load the plugin in TES5Edit

On the left expand the Armor Addon section and look for the corresponding entry to the armor in question

Highlight it.

On the right, find the BOD2 - Biped Body Template

Change the values as needed.


In order for it to show up in game, the number assigned on the NIF file must also be selected on the Armor Addon form. You can have additional values selected on the Armor Addon form as needed.


Use this as a general guide in choosing body slots: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Skyrim_bodyparts_number

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