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Trying to make unique summoning sound trigger, doesn't work


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I have a bit of a conundrum here. I have made some new sounds that I want to be played specifically when a Flame Atronach is summoned. I looked around for some element of the spell references that I could trigger these sounds from, and found an ImpactData record it uses with a conjuration sound attached. So I duplicated that one as a new unique one for Flame Atronachs, and replaced the sound reference with a new Sound Descriptor. Then I did an equivalent duplicate of the ImpactDataSet it uses, and put the new ImpactData record in the list, and finally I replaced the old ImpactDataSet reference in the Magic Effect for Conjure Flame Atronach with my new one. But the sound isn't being triggered ingame when I cast the spell. I don't know if I did something wrong here, or if it's just that spells aren't supposed to trigger sounds from ImpactData records in the first place. It's hard to tell.


Or is there another, perhaps less roundabout way of acheiving the same goal here? I suppose I could just make a unique mag_conjure_portal sound instead as a last resort, but I've found the problem with these sounds triggered specifically from the MagicEffect lists don't actually randomly play any of the several possible sounds listed in the Sound Descriptor itself (for instance I tried having multiple sounds listed in the Descriptor for Firebolt, but spamming the spell will still just play the same sound file over and over). I preferably want it to randomly play one of several sound files so things don't get repetitive.

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Scripting would be a last resort method as well. So far my mod has remained entirely script free and I'd like to keep it that way for consistency's sake.


I tried assigning an explosion effect (the big one for Illusion AoE spells so I can easily see if it's happening or not) to the SummonFlameAtronach Magic Effect to see if that would work and I could piggyback the sound off an invisible explosion or something, but that didn't do anything either. I'm not really sure what makes the conjure spells behave differently from regular targeted ones. I've never designed spells so I'm kind of out of my element here.


The other angle I looked into was whatever triggered MAGConjurePortal sound, which I assume is the actual portal visual effect. With Use Info I could trace it to SummonTargetFXActivator, so I thought I could possibly make a duplicate of that with a new sound attached. After that I get confused though. The only usage for that reference which appears relevant to I want is AbTeleportationScriptEffect. What that effect is actually related to feels too vague for me though, and Use Info on that doesn't lead me to the Atronach Magic Effect. The only thing it leads to is a spell reference called AbTeleportation which in turn is linked to a specific NPC called Orchendor.

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