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What spec is your PC?


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Just wondering what spec your PCs are, mine is bad-ish but ok for £500


Model/Make/Company: Fujitsu Seimens, Scaleo P

Proccessor: 3.2 GHz

RAM: 512mb (Upgrading to 1GB soon)

Graphics Card: Nvidia Geforce 6200LE

Sound Card: Not to sure but it works

Monitor: 15" LCD


What have you lot got, post here either to show off your PC or rub it in my face that you have a better PC than me


P.s. be honest! :)

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It's a pre-built computer from Dell: A Dell Dimension 4550


Processor: 2.6 GHz

RAM: 768 MB (Replaced 1 256 MB with 512.)

Motherboard: Dunno.

Graphics Card: A downgraded version of the Radeon 9700 pro from Dell.

Sounds Card: Don't know either.

Monitor: 15" LCD

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Yes, you can add it to your profile and you already revived this thread to post your specs. Please keep all this kind of thing to that thread and don't post the same stuff in multiple threads. Thanks.



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