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How do spawn points work


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I have a custom creature that I would like to have spawn in certain areas, I have not found any guide as to how this is done or is it that it is done automatically by the game. I have also seen mods where the creator states that they added spawn points.


Any assistance would be appreciated.

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The spawn points are called LeveledCreature if you have a look at it in the CS. Creatures are places into those lists under LeveledCreature. If you right click on one list and choose "Use Info" you can see where this list is placed in the world.

If you for example want your creature to spawn only in undead dungeons, put it into the list called : LL1Undead100. It will then spawn in each dungeon that has undead creatures.

You can also create a new list and add it to an existing one, or place the list exactly where you want it to be in the world/cell.

Edited by Elbethien
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Yes, most likely. What I do to prevent this is:

In some list are creatures set to appear only when you reach a certain level. The mountainlion for example.

It it set to level 12 in LL1WildernessMountains. So it will not apear below level 12.

LL1WildernessMountains goes from level 1 up to 18. Put your new creature into it more than once.


level 1

level 9


The calculation also depends on how frequent you want it to spawn.

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