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Anyone able to assist with Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul mod?


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Sorry, but I am really new to this stuff and was wanting to know a few things.


1. Fiirst off I was wanting to know if anyone else uses Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul 1.32 RC2, BT Mod 2.20 and Qarl's TP3 and if they all work fine without conflict?


2. Like I mentioned above, I am really new to adding stuff to the original content. I know I did BT Mod fine as I can even edit all the files to make the UI appear as I need it to. Also I got Qarl's TP3 mod working good and followed all directions using OBMM and doing as it says and now the textures are so much nicer.


However, with this Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul, I had to download the 1.30 full mod and also the patch 1.32 RC2... As with the 1.30 it gives instruction on how to put it in the data folder and then get the Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esp out of the Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul Full folder, of course since I plan to use the Full version, then place it in the data folder. Then of course run Oblivion and go to options and check mark so it loads the Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esp and all should be fine. However the 1.32 RC2 version didn't say how to install it or how you were to over write the previous one. However from the files I assumed that the new ones that are Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esp and Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esm are to replace the one file of Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esp. Which I did and also of course over wrote the new stuff that had to go into the meshes and etc folders. Then finally in the options to check mark both .esp and .esm files to load them as well.


However once I got into the game and loaded my saved game, there is nothing I can think of with this mod to show if it actually is working properly since it seems most stuff is more internal. Except for one thing that comes to mind and that is while under water you should see more clearly. However I don't. Infact if I disable them 2 .esp/esm files the water looks the same when I am underwater.


Now I know it says to use this wyre bash prog to convert your save file to Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul, but from what it seems is that these save changes would only affect more internal functions, like the skill change, NPC AI and etc. But not doing the wyre bash stop the current change of how I see under water?


I plan to start new anyway and I don't want to mess with wyre bash, python 2.5 and this other junk I have to install just to see if it all is working right. I just hate to make a new char, and design him all the way from scratch to get the looks to how I like it, then run throught the intro caves to go outside to see the water hasn't changed and have to fiddle with Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul till it works then to start a new game all over again to avoid using a 3 part program that is just more junk on my system I don't want.


Can anyone help me here? Was I don't something wrong with the files? Do they have to be renamed and all 3 used? Or is it that sensitive for the water characteristics not to work unless I have a fresh non-saved game that was origianly executed with them .esp/,esm files loaded?


Thanks for the help in advance and thanks for being patient with my ignorance.

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1. As all 3 mods do totally different things, they work well together.


2. I never heard that OOO changes how the water looks, where did you read this? There's a simple way to check if OOO works: If you have a misc item named "hotkey" in your inventory, everything is ok. Nevertheless I'd really recommend installing Wrye Bash, it's a fantastic tool which takes care of a lot of things like conflicts that can occur if you're using more and more complex mods.

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