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[Sneak bug] in vanilla game


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In vanilla game's stealth system there is a very annoying bug (I don't know if it's a bug or just the consequence of Beth's laziness) in which:
- When using silenced weapons or melee weapons, if you stealthily kill a foe then all enemies in a big area around the killed will be alerted and you lose your [Hidden] status even if they are not looking at that guy. That area of effect includes in all x, y, z angles. That means even those who are on high ground with covered sight (higher floor for example) can still be alerted.
- Logically, if you to kill someone behind the back of another one in a reasonable distance, then he can't be aware of his friend being killed. In Skyrim or Fallout NV this stealth kill system is fine. Only Fallout 4 f*#@s things up.
- I don't expect Bethesda to fix this (because they are always "busy" and I'm just one guy), but I hope someone can make a mod that attempts to fix this serious problem. Therefore I decide to post this into Mod Requests Tab.
- One note: I recognize that when I make a stealth kill, if there is enough damage the kill animation will play but the victim is not dead right when I hit left click, instead he shouts something like he has found me. 1 second after that, he dies. I think the problem lies in that death delay, in which the victim turns from being unaware right into spotting the attacker, hence alerts other enemies. In my humble knowledge if someone can fix this by making he dies right after being hit in stealth, the problem will be solved.

Edited by signalZ
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