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flusterated and could really use some help


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ok first of all I've been working on this for over a week now...

Followed how to videos by Gopher and followed instructions

I found by reading other similar Memory and CTD crashes


below is link to photo bucket with screen caps of both

the mods currently in use


the current Load order


Any helpful suggestions to help fix would be appreciated.

I'm stressed out because I spent a week just trying to fix the game

then game testing to see if fixes work...


every time I think I got things fixed another issue starts with the game crashing.


like I stated I have followed how to fix memory / CTD and how to install other fixes to try fix my game crashing issue

I get limited time of game play before game crashes yet again... I am so frustrated so did screen caps of important info.

I taken a couple photos of boxes that have popped up after game loads I will try upload them soon as I can.

got 2 photos from phone uploaded as well to photobucket


My hope is someone may be able see the problem with the list of current used mods and Load order and tell me the fix

Please and Thank you for your time...


update below

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just uploaded into the same photo bucket file mods from Steam workshop that are loaded currently as well

hope that all this visual info will help someone see what I need to fix to stop Game Crashing



Thank you again Very much for your time I appreciate any help that possibly solves my game crashing issue



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OMG think I may found a issue and fixed it lol...

I run this pc as is out of box I never adjusted

the VM to set it right with ram I have.


I did that tonight play tested 1 round supurb playing did allot before game crashed.

but cant be sure game crashed like normal because pc downloaded update for video card

and was trying install it that may have caused the crash

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I am about ready to pull all my hair out this is so grr annoying..


just when I think I got the problem fixed another curve ball hits me...


got the game running then CPU Decided to update my AMD Radeon R5 Graphic card driver's


in the middle of my play testing the game which I believe caused the game to crash.


After if finished the update I try to continue the game testing and I get nothing but infinite load screen to crash.


someone please help me before I go insane from infinite Madness called Skyrim Crashes

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If infinite load screen is only on loading a game, not on starting a new game, you can try typing 'coc qasmoke' from the main menu, waiting for any and all mods to load, then loading from within the test cell (though this usually only fixes infinite load screens due to certain mods and bloated save games)


In general, you can't run HD textures alongside script-heavy mods no matter how good your system is (the Skyrim engine simply can't handle it). HDT can also cause major problems, and will dramatically increase your risk of CTDs (again b/c it puts too much stress on the game engine).


I've also found that running Skyrim with my internet unplugged helps keep my computer from trying to do weird s#*!. Tabbing away from Skyrim while testing to look at the task manager should show you if you have anything else stressing your resources, since you can usually sort by CPU, Memory, Disk, or Network. Post-CTD you can go into Performance in the Task Manager and see if one of those spiked just before the CTD.


Worse comes to worse you can always use Steam to delete your local files, manually make sure you've deleted any mod files in the main folders, then reinstall Skyrim (best to do this while running Mod Organizer, since your mods won't all get deleted and you can do test runs with no mods installed more easily).


The problem might be with your PC if this all continues even after reinstalling Skyrim and running with no mods - I had a similar problem, Skyrim consistently crashed no matter what after a while, turns out my PC was overheating b/c the cooling system was broken (new PC, got unlucky with a defective part slipping through the screening process). Call your PC's customer support people, they should be able to help troubleshoot

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