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Everything posted by Shinkoku

  1. I've started (like, just today) having problems with ads auto redirecting. Have adblock disabled. Not sure which ad is causing it. Last time got auto-redirected to some "like chinese women?" spam page
  2. First problem: I've been getting CTDs at 8am, the 27th of Last Seed for my main game, no matter how far back in saves I go and no matter where I am in Skyrim or what I'm doing when the time comes (the new game I started to test this crashed on the 20th of Last Seed, though I think it was objecting to me standing around and repeatedly waiting 24 hours). Second problem: I can't get papyrus debugging to work at all. Typed what I'm supposed to in the skyrim.ini in my default profile, triple checked everything was spelled correctly, triple checked I didn't have duplicate lines messing things up, nada. I use LOOT, so unless LOOT has bugged I doubt it's solely a load order problem. I also tried verifying my game cache, didn't change a thing Load order:
  3. Thanks! Video still isn't very helpful, but digging through their stuff, they have a bunch of example mods including a bare-bones "build your own house." I just reverse-engineered the example mod, worked for me (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53956/?)
  4. This looks really awesome! Would there be a racism element? Could just be 'you start with a reputation' - e.g. Khajiit start with a reputation as a thief, even if you've never done anything. Or affects what you're most likely to be framed for and how believed you are. E.g. Khajiit being framed for theft, elves being framed for treason against Stormcloaks. Also will speech checks have a role? Like, if I have a reputation as a criminal and shopkeepers are suspicious of me, can I persuade them into believing that I was falsely accused? Or conversely can I use my reputation as a vicious murderer to help intimidation checks? Will I be able to talk to the jarl and persuade him/her into dropping all charges because I'm clearly innocent? Could this be affected by my relationship with someone? E.g. if I've done a quest for a shopkeeper they'll be much more likely to believe that I'm innocent Will selling debuffs vary based on shopkeeper? Like, is it limited to the hold I committed the crimes in, do the Thieves' Guild fences care at all, is the Dark Brotherhood exempt, etc. Also since some of the guards will whisper 'Hail Sithis' after you become Listener, will there be corrupt guards who'll let you go if you're far enough along the Dark Brotherhood or Thieves' Guild quest-lines?
  5. I want to make a buildable home/village like the homesteads. Are there any tutorials for using the Hearthfires building system? Preferably without video? (I've looked all over, but unfortunately searching just keeps returning lists of house mods and/or mods using Hearthfires, or walkthroughs for the base game...)
  6. Got the banner done! Going off of here as a (kinda loose) base (had to make a some changes to extend it into a banner), with permission - you'll want to give them credit, too, as the original artist. Both HD (4x vanilla) and vanilla resolution (labelled low rez). Normal maps are half sized, uncompressed - better texture quality for same file size. Meant to retexture the genericbanner meshes The textures are here
  7. Do you still need the banner? 'Cause I can do that easily enough
  8. If infinite load screen is only on loading a game, not on starting a new game, you can try typing 'coc qasmoke' from the main menu, waiting for any and all mods to load, then loading from within the test cell (though this usually only fixes infinite load screens due to certain mods and bloated save games) In general, you can't run HD textures alongside script-heavy mods no matter how good your system is (the Skyrim engine simply can't handle it). HDT can also cause major problems, and will dramatically increase your risk of CTDs (again b/c it puts too much stress on the game engine). I've also found that running Skyrim with my internet unplugged helps keep my computer from trying to do weird s#*!. Tabbing away from Skyrim while testing to look at the task manager should show you if you have anything else stressing your resources, since you can usually sort by CPU, Memory, Disk, or Network. Post-CTD you can go into Performance in the Task Manager and see if one of those spiked just before the CTD. Worse comes to worse you can always use Steam to delete your local files, manually make sure you've deleted any mod files in the main folders, then reinstall Skyrim (best to do this while running Mod Organizer, since your mods won't all get deleted and you can do test runs with no mods installed more easily). The problem might be with your PC if this all continues even after reinstalling Skyrim and running with no mods - I had a similar problem, Skyrim consistently crashed no matter what after a while, turns out my PC was overheating b/c the cooling system was broken (new PC, got unlucky with a defective part slipping through the screening process). Call your PC's customer support people, they should be able to help troubleshoot
  9. The only problem I'd argue is with Talos Worship. Would that only be a crime in areas under Thalmor control (so not including Whiterun or the Stormcloak-allied holds) (realistic) or everywhere (un-lore-friendly and immersion breaking)? And would it be able to change with the civil war? So if the stormcloaks win, it's no longer a crime anywhere, and whether it's a crime in a certain hold changes based on your position in the civil war (including compatibility with Civil War Overhaul). Would you get arrested for having a Talos amulet in your inventory, or only for wearing it? And how would you go about getting arrested for slavery, since vanilla Skyrim doesn't have a slavery system? Logically, wouldn't using skooma have a higher penalty than possession, and selling (or 'possession with intent to sell,' meaning just possessing a lot typically) an even higher penalty? (That's how most justice systems work). How are you caught for possessing skooma? How does the vampire/werewolf thing work? Does it auto-trigger if you're one, does it only trigger if you're in werewolf form/ in an advanced stage of vampirism/ caught feeding from someone as a vampire? What about vampire/werewolf player companions? Is worshiping the Daedric Princes illegal for that matter? Is summoning daedra illegal? Is necromancy illegal? For theft, do you get charged if you have stolen goods in your inventory when arrested, or only when caught in the act? Does the penalty for theft vary with value of goods stolen? What happens if you order your follower to commit a crime? Is that where the 'conspiracy' charge kicks in?
  10. In the NPC info window for the whiterun player horse, on the bottom left, there's a section called 'Template Data' and in it a bunch of tickboxes that say "Use ..." Have you tried unchecking 'Use Base Data"? Or just outright making the horse use a different template, or no template at all? (Best I can think of...) I know other authors have been able to rename that horse (I'm pretty sure Immersive Horses does), so it should be possible, and you might be able to ask one of them for help
  11. First check if the Ayleid resources are still in the objects window list. If they are, try closing and reloading the CK. The CK often makes things invisible (even vanilla items) at random.
  12. Hey, I could use links to advanced tutorials for making house mods in the ck, preferably without videos, gifs, or the like (they'd be great for other curious people, but I won't be able to use them due to metered data). Basically I'm looking for all the advanced tricks some of the more complicated house mods on here have, e.g. pools that'll autostrip NPCs who enter them, mirrors that let you change your appearance, purchasable upgrades, buildable houses, buttons that change things (e.g. fill a sink with water, change the decoration, turn on lights), etc. I know already how to navmesh, decorate, link doors, all that basic stuff, yet I can't find tutorials past the 101 level.
  13. Everytime I rebuild the Bashed Patch, 0.esp, WyreBash says it's fine - it lists the masters I rebuilt it with, MO says it has no missing masters. When I go to launch Skyrim though, it CTDs immediately, and when I check my load order the Bashed Patch, 0.esp is missing anywhere from one to a ridiculous number of masters that I either a) had installed but not activated, or b) didn't even have installed. (I'm using Mod Organizer, and I rebuild the patch whenever I switch profiles, install a mod, change my load order, uninstall a mod, etc). Usually it seems to be reverting to how it was anywhere from one to three rebuilds ago (usually it insists on including mods I have installed on my Default profile but not the others - Complete Crafting Overhaul for some reason is its favorite to do this with, but it typically only does it for one mod at a time - and when I'm using my Default profile is when it reverts). Opening WyreBash, clicking on the list of masters, clicking 'ok' when it asks me if I want to edit it, forces it to change the masters to what they're supposed to be, then I can save it, which only sometimes sticks). Any idea what's going wrong and how to fix it?
  14. @KingOlafWhiteStag You'll have to unpack the Skyrim.bsa for the elven textures, or use one of the elven armor texture replacers on the Nexus. Look into the Noldor Content Pack's texture folder to see what they're named, then duplicate the corresponding elven textures, rename them to match the Noldor textures, and move them into the appropriate folder. Alternatively, you can use NifSkope to edit the Noldor meshes and redirect the textures to the corresponding elven textures (there're tutorials on how to do this). However, I'm not positive if the elven textures will look good on the Noldor armor - there might be seems, or colors in weird places. Make sure you back up the Noldor textures before replacing them, or the Noldor meshes if you change them in NifSkope. For what correspond to what, The Noldor textures are in textures/armor/NoldorArmorMaty743 The textures are in each color folder - BLACK, RED, BRONZE, and GOLD, should with what elven texture they equal (use the male elven textures, in armor/elven/m) They're: Boots.dds = boots_d.dds FemaleChestArms.dds = unknown. I would suggest copying the one from the GOLD folder to the others. cuirass_d.dds might work Gloves.dds = gauntlets_d.dds Helmet.dds = helmet_d.dds HelmetTop.dds = none. Again copy the one from GOLD to the others LegGuards.dds = unknown.Again I would suggest copying the one from the GOLD folder to the others. cuirass_d.dds might work Shield.dds = shield.dds, in the armor/elven folder ShoulderLow.dds = unknown. Again I would suggest copying the one from the GOLD folder to the others. cuirass_d.dds might work ShoulderHigh.dds = unknown. Again I would suggest copying the one from the GOLD folder to the others. cuirass_d.dds might work Torso.dds = cuirass_d.dds If you're using a texture replacer, use whatever color is closest to the new texture where I suggested sticking with Gold textures. You'll have to do the same for the M and N folders - as above, but renaming + copying everything with the _m and _n suffixes respectively The elven weapons are in weapons/elven, and have the same name as the textures in weapons/NoldorArmorMaty743. You'll want to copy sword_d.dds into the color folders, sword_n.dds into the N folder, and sword_m.dds into the M folder as well.
  15. I've made the mod! Noldorin Thalmor I didn't change the outfits of the mages, since they wear cloth not light armor. The Thalmor I spawned weren't aggressive.
  16. Ah, I see - I was talking for individual use, though you still would be able to release a straight-up replacer with Maty's permission. Not sure what's up with the aggressive Thalmor. Have you tried spawning them in vanilla? It might be a problem with the placeatme command. I'll look into making a plugin that adds the different armors into the game, but I probably won't have time for a while
  17. Easiest way would be to make a simple mesh replacer: choose your favorite, copy the meshes, then move the copied meshes to data/meshes/armor/elven/m Delete everything with "female" in it, and rename argonianmalehelmet, khajitmalehelmet, and orcmalehelmet to helmarg_0, helmkha_0, and helmorc_0 respectively. Duplicate those three, rename the copies to ..._1. Then rename 1stpersonarmortorso_0/_1 to 1stpersoncuirass_0/_1, and gloves_0/_1 to gauntlets_0/_1. Moves Boots_go, Cuirass_go, Gloves_go, and Helmet_go out of the GO folder and into the main folder, renaming them bootsgnd, cuirassgnd, gauntletsgnd, and helmetgnd respectively. The Shield mesh needs to be moved into the main elven/ folder and renamed elvenshield Then copy the meshes again, post them into data/meshes/armor/elven/f Delete everything with "male" in it, as well as the main cuirass_0/_1. Rename CuirassFemale_0/_1 to cuirass_0/_1. Then follow the same steps as above for the helmets and ground meshes (except instead of cuirass_go move and rename cuirassfemale_go) You might want to duplicate cuirass_0/_1 and rename the copy cuirasslight_0/_1 (so elven light armor looks the same), or pick a different armor mesh (that'll still match the boots, gauntlets, and helmets) to serve as cuirasslight_0/_1 (note: I'm fairly sure that cuirassgnd corresponds to cuirasslight_0/_1, while cuirassheavygnd corresponds to cuirass_0/_1, so make sure you also have the gnd meshes sorted out). Getting them to wear the cape then would require a simple plug-in (with the content pack as the master) adding the cape to the outfit formlist.
  18. I have made a mod for this! Covered in bees Adds 51 hives and 133 spawn activators throughout Skyrim (well, throughout the places with flowers and no snow).
  19. I've looked through every modder's resource I can find, but none of them seem to contain meshes for beech trees or yellow rattles. The problem is that I'm planning on putting an ancient forest (a bluebell wood with beeches; yellow rattles are scattered around in the bluebell wood near me, and for the sake of variety and realism I'd like to include them) into a mod I'm making. The biggest thing ofc is the beech trees - preferably a variety of them (different shapes, older trees, maybe a sapling, etc). I can probably with time make the yellow rattles myself, but I'm hopeless at doing 3D models and couldn't find a free-to-use already-made beech tree model :/
  20. They won't use human NPC idles since those link to animations tied to the standard 'character' skeleton, but there're idles in the Creation Kit meant for specific creatures. I know both sabre cats and dogs have them, so I'd suspect other animals do too. (e.g. 'laying down' idles, sitting there making noise idles, etc)
  21. I'd love to help with voice acting, as well as writing, retexturing, lore geekery (both Tolkien and Elder Scrolls), art historian geekery (the art motifs that'd be in use in the Shire is one of those things that fascinate me), and beta testing!
  22. I'm trying to make a new script in the CK, following the "Creating a Playable Race" tutorial. I keep getting this error message: Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...Compiling "aaaDwarfRaceController"...<unknown>(0,0): unable to locate script aaaDwarfRaceControllerNo output generated for aaaDwarfRaceController, compilation failed. Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.Failed on aaaDwarfRaceController Looking in my scripts folder, it's created a "aaadwarfracecontroller.psc" under data/scripts/source, but not a "aaadwarfracecontroller.pex" under data/scripts. I'm launching the CK through Mod Organizer, if that affects anything. Any idea what's going wrong?
  23. For adding dialogue to existing NPCs: direct people to download the mod Fuz Ro Do-oh - Silent Voice, then just have the new dialogue marked as unvoiced, with "force subtitles" clicked. Dialogue will be silent, but it's less of a pain than getting voice actors, and it's really good for beta/ 1.0 versions, while you're working out bugs in the quests.
  24. So I'm trying to make a custom elf race... But they only have human ears instead of elf ears. I've copied the high elf data for them, with the exception of skin textures. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong :( Any ideas/ anyone had the same problem?
  25. I'm making a stand-alone follower with a custom race, but her clothes are invisible (just her skin, so body is visible, but she appears naked). This happens for armors and regular clothes. Haven't tried custom stand-alone clothes I made an 'armor' for her for the naked skin (following instructions online) so she has no problems with that... And she'll equip armors, but they won't show up. (She's using a different body-type than me, btw, don't know if that'll affect anything). I don't have any armor replacers impacting female characters, so is there maybe a body conflict? She's using a version of the CBBE body, so is it a problem that the armor isn't compatible? My character is fine - any armors or clothes will show up without a problem Any thoughts? EDIT: Nevermind. Figured it out (finally!) (what I did posted below) I needed to go into the custom race, and under the "General Data" tab, then in the "Copied Data" set "Armor Race" to "Default Race." THEN, I needed to go back to the Armor Add-on's I'd created for the torso, hands, and feet, go into each of those, set the main race to custom race but then also select "default race" under "additional races." Then I needed to go to the main armor object (the SkinNakedCustom), delete the three default models, then add my three custom add-ons. And voila! She can wear armor, and her body doesn't keep changing.
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