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[FO4Edit] Assigne value to variable (without recover flag)


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Hi everyone,



I'm trying to do a Very simple task : assign a value to a variable. (what could be more basic?)


I can't do this, without having the "Recover" flag on, in the magic effect configuration.

The following only works if I use this flag...can't make it work otherwise.

What am I doing wrong?


In image:



Here's a link to download the esp:



Here's what the mod is trying to do right now: when the damage resistance > 10, the variable DR is set to 1 and stays that way. Meaning: "if character wears any damageresist armor, remember it forever".


In Vanilla, I only found 2 functions doing something similar: they modify health or rads. But using them doesn't work in my case, as copying any of these actor values crashes my mod on launch. It's linked to their "AVFL" value, couldn't see more about this.


It's important for me not to use the "Recover" flag, as I'll need to use the variable still modified, after the conditions will become false.

Using this flag makes the whole thing work, but as soon as my character has less than 11 damage resist on him, the variable resets to 0, which I don't want.


Thanks for your help me and have a great day.



PS: sorry if I post this in the wrong section, please tell me if I did so.

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