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Is the offical patch that important?

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If I run OOO and MMM together then I will always CTD once I enter a town. Even if I install *just* those two and run them at the same time then it crashes. The only way I can enter a town with those two running is if I didn't patch the game to 1.02. I had to do several tests, most requiring reinstalls, but at this point the only difference between all of my mods working together and constant CTD is the offical patch.


So, seeing as how I can't get patch notes on it, are there any critical fixes that I truely need from the offical patch or can I run the game well enough with out it?

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The only reason you'd need the 1.2 patch is if you had Shivering Isles. The 1.20416 (I think that's what it's called) patch fixes the gamebreaking FormID bug that Shivering Isles introduces (great work Beth!). If you're using vanilla OB, then no, 1.1 is actually better than 1.2 for now.
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