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Faction: Mythic Dawn vs Vigilant of Stendarr


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This is a mod idea that I have been looking for anything like it.

Quite simply, adding two joinable factions to the game (that are opposed, like the vampires and dawngaurd)


The idea is that just because Mankar died and the Oblivion Crisis failed, that doesn't mean there wouldn't be people who still thought that Mankar Camoran was right. There is no reason not to think that there might still be a cult of the Mythic Dawn (though it would have to have gone back into secrecy and would probably be small). With that, the Vigilant would obviously be hunting them (either knowingly or not) as they are Daedra worshipers.


How this can work is by adding a couple locations to act as "bases".

2-3 more "Halls of the Vigilant"

2-3 secret "Hideouts of the Mythic Dawn"


How this could start is by finding dead bodies of some vigilant and another person with a note/journal that indicate he is a Daedra worshiper/cultist.

You could then bring this information to someone at a Hall of the Vigilant or read the note/journal to try and locate one of the Mythic Dawn's hideouts. This decision is what indicates which faction you can join.


It would then be a small war between the Vigilant and the Mythic Dawn with a few quests, progression through the ranks, followers, etc.

Maybe even add a unique artifact on each side.

If you join the Vigilant eventually get Standarr's Hammer.

If you join the Mythic Dawn eventually get a Daedric Crescent.


I think that the ultimate goal of the Mythic Dawn, outside of eliminating the Vigilant, should be collecting the pieces of the Mysterium Xarxes to put it back together, with the view that doing so would give them great favor with Dagon and thus bring them closer to their end goal.


The Vigilant's ultimate goal would be the destruction of Dagon's artifacts and followers.


I do not have the modding knowledge/experience to do this, otherwise I would. I don't expect this to be completed anytime soon (if anyone is actually interested in taking it). I just think that it would be interesting and would be helpful in expanding the Vigilant and help with the under-representation of the Mythic Dawn.

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