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Bravil Recommendation Quest


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For some reason, the Bravil Recommendation topic won't show up on Kud-Ei for me. I've tried at many different times of day, and while she is standing in different spots. I even tried it after she started sleeping...


Is there a code to start the quest? Somehow I don't think persistence is the key here...


This is the first time this has happened to me, and any help would be appreciated.

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The Bravil recco quest is unusual in that it doesn't show up as a "Bravil Recommendation" topic, but instead talks about "Mages' Staff" and "Varon Vamori" and whatnot.


With the large number of topics Kud-Ei has on her plate, the relevant topic may be at the bottom of the list. Have you scrolled down?

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The Bravil recco quest is unusual in that it doesn't show up as a "Bravil Recommendation" topic, but instead talks about "Mages' Staff" and "Varon Vamori" and whatnot.


With the large number of topics Kud-Ei has on her plate, the relevant topic may be at the bottom of the list. Have you scrolled down?

It shows up as "Recommendation" before you get those other topics. I haven't even gotten there; all she has is

"Arcane University"



"Mage's Guild"

"The Forlorn Watchman"


Try looking at the Bravil Mages Recommendation walkthrough, you might have missed a step without realizing it.

Step one: Talk to Kud-Ei about the recommendation


Id like to, I REALLY would...

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It queued up the quest and got the Recommendation topic into her speech choices, but Varon Vamori had nothing to day on the matter...


And to make things even more confusing, I started a new character earlier on, and I was allowed to do this quest. That means it can't be any of the mods I installed recently, so it's got me wondering just what the hell happened for this to glitch up...

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  • 2 weeks later...
I have the same problem you have with the Bravil Recommendation not being offered. I took Thanateros advice and did the "setstage" thing and it got me started. But now I can't get "V' to even refer to the topic. This is my third character and never had this problem before and I too am using the exact same mods as before. Hmmmm - well guess I well keep looking for a "way around it". :dry:
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