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It's not the size of your weapon, it's how you... eh, nevermind.


If you change the scale of a weapon, that will change its size when it is lying on the ground, but that's it. When you actually equip the weapon, it scales according to your size. If you open the console and type "player.setscale 2" (without the quotes, obviously) then both you and whatever weapons you equip will get twice as big. You also won't fit into doorways any more. If you scale yourself down to 0.5 then your weapons will scale down to 0.5 as well.


If you want to change the weapon size, you'll have to edit the weapon's nif meshes. As pixelhate said, this may cause very weird things to happen with respect to the weapon's animations.


Is there a particular weapon that you want to resize?

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I have gone over a lot of mods. anyone know of one that makes the weapons look smaller on screen? unless i over looked it


How much are you looking to scale it down? There's a first person model object (as implied by the name, used only in 1st person) for weapons that wouldn't screw up every other NPC's weapon and from that perspective (1st) may be less noticible/more forgiving of animation errors tied to a smaller weapon size. Is this so that you have more on screen real estate, do you feel the way they are currently set up blocks too much of your view?

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