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Including Work From Other Authors

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The Terms of Service clearly indicate that it is against Nexus site rules to include work from other authors, even if you have their permission, but there are popular files which include stand-alone mods made by other authors. Is it acceptable to include work from other Authors if their work only amounts to a percentage of your total mod? Why do some mods have an exception to the Terms of Service?


  • Do not upload compilations of other users work irrespective of whether the authors of the work you would like to compile together have agreed to your using their work in your compilation. For example: no "my favourite mods" lists or "best weapon" compilations
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Using resources from other mods in your own mod is okay if you have permission from all of the authors whose resources are being used. I'm not a moderator, but I'm pretty sure the restriction you mention is only intended to prevent simple mod compilations. That is: don't download ModA and ModB, make a single zip file that contains both without changing either one in any way, and then upload it as a new mod. However, if you download ModA and ModB, combine them into a single ESP file and a single set of resource folders, AND you have permission from both authors, that would probably be okay because your mod is adding value. Specifically, in that case you would be reducing load order bloat for players who want features from both mods and would otherwise need two ESP files.

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Exactly. They are merely talking about reposting a collection of mods in the exact form as they were originally. You have to add something to the mods. For instance, if you release a compilation of armor you'd have to make them craftable or add something to justify reposting them. It's really to prevent people who don't create mods from trying to just repost others mods just for the sake of it.

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