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Android is a generic term for any man-shaped robot. No, really, the word literally means "man-like". A protectron or assaultron also is quite literally an android. It's the parent category, one level up.


Basically what I'm getting at is that it's the same difference between "android" and "synth", as between "dog" and "rottweiler", or between "handgun" and "revolver". The former is the parent category for the latter.


People use the super-category all the time. Even in FO4, your character doesn't say specifically that Kellogg had a revolver, when talking to Valentine. You just call it a gun.


So to get to the point, I'm guessing it could also be a regional thing. DC didn't even know what a synth is before Harkness, so they might not have a distinct word for it, nor any reason to need to be very specific about which kind. So they're using the super-category. On the other hand, MA is overrun by them and you have a very good reason to specify if it's the Institute kind or the Protectron kind, so they'd probably use a more specific word.


Just a guess, mind you.

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Actually, according to one of the terminals in the Institute (in the Robotics section):


"As production of our gen-3 synths continues apace, I would like to take this opportunity to formalize our categorization.

The term android has been used interchangeably with synth for as long as the Institute has existed. And though some of our older residents may actually prefer android (Dr. Zimmer being a prime example), the term synth has always been more widely used.

Today, our third generation creations are truly synthetic beings, so the designation synth seems more appropriate than ever.

From here on in, I strongly prefer all official Institute records and correspondences use the term synth or synths. Let us remember our past, and appreciate the legacy of the android. But let us live for the future, and recognize the power of the synth.

- Father"

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  • 1 year later...

Idk if people still read this but I have been wondering. We have to take certain liberties with these topics as the fallout universe, while similar, is not the same as our own. But we can make educated guesses. So we know from our history and the cannon especially in FO4 that the institute has perfected DNA sequencing and synthetic biology to the point where synths are Indistinguishable from humans except the synth component. I have been thinking; what if the synth component is nothing more than an interface or adapter so to speak where a computer can interact (write, delete, paste whatever) with the human brain using the component as the intermediary?


Some synths like Valentine and Danse were given memories. That is memories were writen unto his brain to act as a base for the AI to build off of. In the Nick story line we learn that although all of what he original nick valentine was and is is still there, yet there is a whole other chapter in he nick valentine saga acted out by the synth. At the point of meeting him he is already his own "person" having created a life all his own. The AI simply took the base and then built off of it.


The other type of synths the worker synths weren't given specific memories but a more general personality. I call them the Worker Synths. The ones we see wandering the institute. While unique enough to have different types of synths I think the have the same core programming. Some are tweaked to have special attributes like x6-88.


Here is where I get questions. Do you think that the component is like I say, interfacing with the computer to convert the program language to electrical impulses that can be interpreted by the brain? If so do they have to be Hooked up or can it be done remotely? My guess is they have to physically have the synth for anything to work like with the recall code. Or is it more like a processor with the code imbedded and the AI can inject commands or scrips at a moments notice? Maybe then the institute can simply install mods to cange the synths behavior patterns without wiping the whole mind. I'm interested in people's opinions so please feel free to share. Thank you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a couple of things which I have always wondered about.

It is often said that "Synths don't sleep" and Roger Warwick's kid says to his father that he (Roger) seems to just work on through the night, yet I think Curie makes reference to sleeping ?
"Synths don't age" has often been said in reference to Synth Shaun so in other words he will always be 10. Surely somebody would notice that Captain Avery, Danse and so on weren't getting any older ? I guess you could say that with Avery, DIMA could have her face reconstructed over the years but she claims "not to know" she is a Synth ? If that's true what use is she to DIMA ?

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I think synths can sleep, but don't have to. Curie probably does so because she knows/thinks that humans are supposed to sleep.

Well, Shaun definitely can't grow, but, as someone else posted (over a year ago, lol), the living tissue will probably indeed age. I'd say, after years Shaun will start get all wrinkly, but still have a child's size and body proportions.


Also, my headcanon is that the "Synth Component" is just some sort of an interface to program a living brain. At the institute, they grow the brain around the thing, and it forces it to grow certain specific pathways. It then just stays in the brain, somehow cloaked from X-Ray machines (there are invisibility devices, so...)


I'm pretty certain that individual synths do indeed have individual DNA, distinct enough to pass as different, non-related people. Otherwise the BoS and probably Covenant would notice that as well. It might not be the "real" DNA, though, just some form of obfuscation.

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Well, Glory said she used to scavenge resources for the institute, and there are the infiltrators, of course. Technically, they can just walk away once on the outside. I imagine that's exactly the situation for which coursers were made. The inside help came later.

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Another thing - how do Synths escape from the Institute ? There are only two ways and it's hard to see how they could use either of them ?


There's a section of the Railroad questline that explains that. Basically, they have inside help.


The Railroad questline says they have inside help but never explains the mechanics of how the Synths escape.

But the Railroad don't know about the Molecular Relay. If the Synths used it you might expect them to tell their benefactors what it was. And how would the Institute not notice unauthorised use ? They could hardly go out through the tunnel which is guarded by both Gen 2s and Turrets as well as being infested with Feral Ghouls.

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The Railroad questline says they have inside help but never explains the mechanics of how the Synths escape.

But the Railroad don't know about the Molecular Relay. If the Synths used it you might expect them to tell their benefactors what it was. And how would the Institute not notice unauthorised use ? They could hardly go out through the tunnel which is guarded by both Gen 2s and Turrets as well as being infested with Feral Ghouls.



Maybe their insider takes them through the older, disused sections of the complex (the robot assembly line and such) to get to the relay - the access door is there. The defense measures might not have been active until you start the invasion during the final attack on the facility (if you go that route).


As for the memories of the Institutes location and the relay - think back to Nick, he repeats the detail that some internal security protocol strips out or at least blocks any memories relating to the location of the institute. I would expect that to cover any knowledge of how entering or exiting it works as well.


So they are guided to the relay, sent out, their memories are partially stripped out and they are left to wander in search of someone to help. The railroads operatives keep an eye out for anyone that fits the profile of a "lost Synth" that they might be able to help and things go from there.

I expect something that stays with them would be a suggestion to blend in on the surface, since anyone walking around in one of the Institutes synth uniforms is likely to get shot on sight by a large portion of the topside residents.


The power usage: You'll note a few people down there mentioning power problems, so either the escapes are using the fluctuations as cover for relay use, or they are causing them and it's just that no one has figured that out yet, why would they suspect it anyway? Since the main door's guarded and no one's been seen entering the relay room.

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