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Keeping settlers out of your home?


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Is there a magical way to do this? I even built a house on concrete block stilts 7 stories high with no steps leading up to it (have to fast travel to get in) and I'll be damned if a bunch of them weren't up there screwing around on my work benches. I'm trying to avoid having them grab my loot out of containers when enemies spawn. I already take the cores out of my power armor so that isn't a problem.

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Kill them. Kill them all. Dead people don't mess with your stuff.


Seriously though, I don't think there's a way currently. Settlers can spawn pretty much anywhere they like within the settlement. I've heard that not fast traveling directly to or from your settlement can help prevent it, but I can't personally verify that.


I've also heard that not keeping your must-have goodies in the standard workshop containers helps to keep it safe also...no idea if it's actually true or not, though.

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For now I've resorted in using the bunker in Sanctuary, hoping that maybe at least they won't go down in there. I really wish we could construct inside that bunker...maybe a mod will cover that someday.



While we're on the subject of random questions, does anyone know why, when you have a weapon that does explosive projectiles, why is there a green glow around the explosions when you shoot walls? If you shoot a building in the distance, there's a bright green glow around the fire.

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