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Can`t Kill Durnehviir


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Hello all.

As the thread title suggests. Get to the stage where old mate Durnehviir appears in the main bone yard to deal some death out. I can get him to the point where he should be well dead no problem. Then he just gets up with full health and ithe fights on agian. Nearly killed him several times and still he gets up with full health. Did a google search and this does seem to be a problem for others as well, but with no answers yet.

Cheers Strawb

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I also had a issue with enntering the soul cairn. Had to use the console commands. So I restarted the whole Dawn guard quets with out any multiple follower mods. Serana and the quest work correctly. I am now able to enter the soul cairn with out using console commands. But is seems that I am still unable to kill Durnehvir.


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I know you all have been having sleepless nights trying to come up with a solution to my dilema. Pleased to say that you need not wory any more, get some sleep now. Never did or will fimd a solution to this problem though. Just got of Nexus a save game that was near perfect for me. Save game had Dawn gaurd completed ( have in a previous attempt at skyrim finished Dawn guard, so all good ) main quest complete. Had done 99% of it beforre and was at the same level I was at. Other radiant quest where all ok as well


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