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Gender - Female
Race - Nord
Level - 1
Age - 20
Mother - Merchant
Father - Hunter
- Lizzy was born and raised in Skyrim.
- when she was 10, lizzy and her mother moved to Cyrodiil because her mother said she got sick of their life style and that she could make more money from being a merchant in Cyrodiil.
her father didn't want to leave and stayed behide to continue the hunters life.
- when lizzy turned 20, she started to miss the old times she spent in skyrim as a little girl and decided to travel back there to take up hunting as her father once did.
- Lizzy enters the borders of Skyrim from the south on a carriage.
- she has nothing but the clothes on her and the money that she had spent just to get to Skyrim meaning shes basically broke.
- she travels from the border to Whiterun hold to start off her life/adventure.
- Lizzy starts to look for work and a place to stay.
- She gets lucky hitting two birds with one stone, the Battle-Borns offer her work at their farm and
says she can sleep in the hay under the shelter on the farm(not the best sleeping place but at least she has one)
- Lizzy works on the farm on for a minimal wage earning a few gold a day for 8 hours of labor.
- she saves up gold to be able to buy herself a dagger to defend herself
- she then saves up more money to buy gear (iron sword/leather armour/bow and arrows)
- when she has some gold to spend in the late afternoon she goes to the Inn for a drink and to hear a few songs before going back to the farm and "Hitting the hay" (hehe a pun).
- when she has brought a sword she goes to the companion's and ask to use their training grounds to practice her One-Handed skill in the after
hours for a few hours which they gladly allow(some less then others--some companions are dicks).
- when she has brought a shield she will also train her blocking at the companions training grounds but at less effectiveness(using a shield to block on a dummy isn't very useful when you think about it)
- when she has brought a bow she will also train her archery at the companions training grounds.
- when Lizzy has gained enough skill with the bow and has leather armour she will go out on hunting trips to gather hide and meat to sell/trade with the locals as a way of making a living.
- few days after some hunting trips she quits working at the farm to become a full on hunter like she originally intended.
- after a few months of hunting around Whiterun and her One-handed/blocking/lightArmor skills have reach a certain point she will start traveling to different towns/places/new hunting grounds around Skyrim.
- on her journeys she might pick up bounties or quests for extra gold but also extra risk of getting killed herself sadly.
- she will interact with certain towns differently depending on the current state of the current town she has traveled to. even more so if she had already visited that said town.
i could go into more detail about each town but errh, i'd only worry about it when its time to make that part.(no point in getting way to far ahead)
- she may even take upon herself to accept and complete quest that would be given to the player making it impossible for the player to do those quests after she has completed them... only if she survived to claim the reward
- if she dies at any point of her time within Skyrim, that would be the end of her life and of course all the stuff she could have done will never happen... obviously since she's dead.
- she will have different dialogue depending on the current time and situation in her life.
like talking about her past, what she wants to do, what has happened in her life and stuff like that or that she wants to be interdependent and not rely on others like family members to support her.
My thoughts on this
Lizzy will actually level up herself. there is actually a way that i have found but its not really like how the player levels but its still way better then boring old static, lvled or lvl with player.
I think that all the Npc's in Skyrim are boring and lifeless even though they do move around and stuff but its always the same damned thing everyday and barely anything changes unless you (the Dragonborn) did something like complete a certain quest or something.
so being able to have this Npc that has a proper life that's not always doing the same damn thing but with different stages of her life that depend on what she has done or happened to herself.
A life that is not based on or around the Dragonborn. if you talk to her she wont know who the hell you are and even after been first known as the Dragonborn she still wouldn't magically know or care about it/you as this Dragonborn.
but of course you can alter her life in different ways, from trivial things to major things. like interactions with her or killing her yourself or getting her killed by something else somehow or helping her when she does something that might get her killed(increasing her chances of survival), which she may or may not thank you for it. meaning she could get killed on her way to Whiterun, which means nothing will happen at all for she never made it
if i do successfully create this awesome npc i will start working on another npc with their own life..... but i doubt that will ever happen based on multiple things. :sad: sad but true
Edited by mundordin
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