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If Wishes Were Horses


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I've got a horse model. I've slapped a rudimentary coat of paint on it. Unfortunately, however, it needs to be animated. If you can animate, and want to give this a try, please either PM or email me, or respond here.


My previous animator vanished, but the model deforms very nicely. It looks pretty nifty when it's walking around.


So, I'll repeat myself. If you want to try and animate a horse for Morrowind, contact me. If you have a friend who likes to animate, contact me. And if you have a friend who knows someone who knows how to animate, contact me.


Pictures can be seen here.

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Since you're new here I won't hit you with the full wrath of mod. But... you are very wrong here. Maybe if you'd read the rest of the forum, you'd notice that people do get help here. The only time people get yelled at is if they ask a quesition 15 seconds with the search function would answer, or if its just so stupid a post they deserve it.


You get trouble because you used someone's model without credit and very possibly without permission. Most people require at least credit before using their work, which you have not done. You say you have, but I see absolutely no credit given. That means at absolute minimum, the author's name and what parts they did everywhere you use or show something created with their work. Even if it is freely available, usually the author, and always basic courtesy, demand that you give credit for their work. As an artist, I take that very seriously.


So... until you either pm or email me the author's name and a link to the original model, this thread is locked.

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