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Unfortunately there seems to be a problem. When I enter Dragonsreach Balgruuf wears the usual outfit without the new wristguards. If I add him via console he has them:




I remember to read anywhere that changes in the outfit don't have an effect in an existing save game and therefor only become "visible" in a new game. But maybe you just have to wait a couple of days.

Edited by Novem99
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Unfortunately there seems to be a problem. When I enter Dragonsreach Balgruuf wears the usual outfit without the new wristguards. If I add him via console he has them:




I remember to read anywhere that changes in the outfit don't have an effect in an existing save game and therefor only become "visible" in a new game. But maybe you just have to wait a couple of days.

He is likely set to spawn with them in the mod. He will not get them if you do not directly add them to his inventory. You can open the console and type:

help "Wristguard"

and likely find what you want.


Then select the Jarl and type:

AddItem [Id here] 1

If he's then not wearing them. Type:


Which will force a reevaluation on equipment and AI. (and obviously resurrect if dead)


Good luck.

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I looked up the concept art, it seems the female Jarls are supposed to have the wrist guards too, thats why their outfit doesnt have full sleeves. Makes sense now, wonder why Bethesda didnt incorporate them into the game. ill add them with the console if I run into any female Jarls :)



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