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XmarkerHeading problem


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I have a problem sometimes with the X marker Heading (or portal) when I change interiors without reason.


Where the marker is placed, NPC or me jump. I can't replace it because markers are unique.


Any solution to resolve it?

Edited by roserosenbergfr
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If the actor is spawning into the cell above the floor, it may be triggering the jump fall and/or land animation. You probably need to select the xMarkerHeading in the cell in question and press F for it to settle to the nearest surface with collision.


Beyond that, I have no idea.

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"Press F" change nothing when I select the markerheading.

When selecting the XMarker, press the "Z" key and slightly raise the marker above the floor. Then with the marker still selected hit the "F" key and the marker should react as described by IsharaMeradin. If you still have the issue, just for testing, create a collision plane under the XMarker and test again. If that solves it there is a problem with the collision layer of the floor piece you are using. Unfortunately I can't help with that problem other than verifying the game cache, or removing any mods that alter that piece.




EDIT: If the piece you are using is an floor piece from Fort Dawnguard, there is a known problem with the collision on that piece. If that is the case, see http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1549388-issue-with-dawnguard-middle-floors-pieces/?p=13318293 there is a link to the fix in the last post.

Edited by Aragorn58
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I don't use Dawguard.



I'm moving it higher or lower, see anywhere, it does not change anything. The character jumps all the time in this location or if I pass the marker, It's my turn.



Edited by roserosenbergfr
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