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Some sort of "Savegame Manager"


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I'll make this quick and short. Today I was looking for some sort of Savegame Manager or a "comment"-mod, that allows me to add short descriptions or comments to savegames. Or something that let's me change the name of a savegame, so I actually now why I saved or for what reason (critical point in the game, right before a conversation and so on). But it looks like there is no such mod. Is ir possible to make a mod that makes managing savegames easier? My most basic request is to rename savegames. That would do it. But of course there are more things that could be done. Like I said, comments or descriptions to savegame.

Is this possible?

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As for possible I am certain that such tools will become available in time. Right now the best suggestion I could make would be to use the console to save, in which case you can name the file whatever you like. Can't add notes as you wish but could still name it to indicate the state.


e.g. I have done this a few times to mark saves for settlement building i.e. SanctBuildStage01 for my first 'stage' of building, in case I want to revert for a different design.

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As for possible I am certain that such tools will become available in time. Right now the best suggestion I could make would be to use the console to save, in which case you can name the file whatever you like. Can't add notes as you wish but could still name it to indicate the state.


e.g. I have done this a few times to mark saves for settlement building i.e. SanctBuildStage01 for my first 'stage' of building, in case I want to revert for a different design.

Thanks for the tip. Which console command would that be?

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