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Bound Items


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Im just curious, dose anyone think this is a bit odd.


Exquisite Belt (Enchanted)

CE Bound Cuirass

CE Bound Boots

CE Bound Gloves

CE Bound Longbow


Total enchantment points ussed, 40


shouldent CE bound item enchantments cost a bit more then 10 enchant points? I mean its basicaly deadric equipment that weighs nothing and never breaks.


Not that my mage is complaining but compare it to the cost of other CE effects and its just really whacked.

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You didn't actually make that item, did you? Because if I recall correctly, the points for different enchantments went up to higher than their regular. I, however, DID make an amulet that gave me several bound weapons as a bit of a portable arsenel; no point carrying about a multiple pound Daedric sword as well as a bow and perhaps, just for fun, a spear. :-)
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Actualy the totals 50

First Enchant = double cost, all other enchants = normal cost

so its

10 + 10(for multiple effects) + 10 + 10 + 10 = 50


i created it after i wrote this up, dident have a spare golden saint at the time i noticed it. it still strikes me as odd that you can make that for 50 enchant points and a reflect or spell absorbtion, or resist element is like 150pts for a measly 10%

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But then (to stray OT slightly) some things in MW do seem a bit over or underpriced enchantment wise. Reflect/Spell absoprtion seem a bit oover priced IMHO and some things like night eye, resist parysis are really cheap.


Others seem unbalanced (like feather why? its the same price a a stat boost and if you boost STR you can carry an extra 5 lbs worth not just 1)


Not sure why this is it just is.

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