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Existing mods?


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(credit of image to Ylla, http://ylla.aura.dhs.org)

i was wonderinf if making a dress like that one was possible, so the slits in the sides would show whatever the character happened to be wearing underneathe at the time (also the same thing with the open back, would you need to make the skin that would show or can it just show the body of the person?)



also iw as wondering what are the clothing mods used in this image? (screenshot taken from kilana967's morrowind folder)



phew... last question, i swear. are there any wing mods besides the blackwings mod, or has anybody fixed the neck problem with it?

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The Phantom Sheep:


I was wonderinf if making a dress like that one was possible, so the slits in the sides would show whatever the character happened to be wearing underneathe at the time...




The Phantom Sheep:


...are there any wing mods besides the blackwings mod...?


There's the Seraphim mod. I'm sure that Reborn87 can tell you all about that one once he's done with exams.

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Actually, I disagree. I've seen plenty of (top at least) clothing mods that show most of the skin below. And the skeleton system of the model is obviously still intact, even if the some of the model itself is hidden. So even assuming the model is hidden by default, if you know 3dsmax and character animation well, I believe you could attach the leg models to the internal bones, but leave the skirt model to flow freely. You probably wouldn't get as dramatic an effect as that picture, but the basic idea should be possible.
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