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Send others on radiant quests


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Yeah! Maybe you'd need a companion to lead the mission if it's meant to be successful. Minutemen aren't really up to the task.

  • Cait needs to do something, she's getting bored in that settlement. Failure makes her grumpy.
  • Codsworth would automatically fail but love you anyway.
  • Curie likes being sent on rescue missions, but dislikes being sent on a killing spree. Even if she's successfull, she hates it.
  • Danse can waltz in and kill everything thanks to his position in the brotherhood. But you have to complete some brotherhood missions first. A recruit doens't give orders to a paladin!
  • Deacon likes rescue missions but will go on any type of mission without complaining.
  • Dogmeat can't lead the minutemen.
  • Hancock can help out with connections to goodneighbor. He can sometimes solve a raider-kidnapping without violence for a lot less money. He will return with tons of drugs if the enemies are raiders.
  • MacCready likes rescue missions but will accept every other job too. He's a pro, so failure doesn't decrease affinity.
  • Nick loves freeing hostages. If he fails that not a problem, he's used to being a hostage.
  • Piper can't help you there, the baddies don't care about press.
  • Preston likes everything.
  • Strong has to do the missions alone, the minutemen won't follow a supermutant. If he fails, he'd feel not being strong enough - not your fault. Strong would always return with fresh flesh, sometimes human flesh...
  • X6-88 just gets the job done.


Perfect. Just perfect. This is what I want.

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