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i started over, without any previous savegames.

i can save and quicksave, no problem

but suddenly it just stops working:s

its strange.. i changed my character name and it worked again.. for a litle while :s

i don't know what to do & want to play! but only if i can save whenever i want to.

PLZ help


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let me Xplain better:

when u load, u see the vieuw u had when u saved, but smaller with the info next to it.

that doesn't change anymore after a certain save.

so basicly, i'm stuck there, no matter how much i play


why isn't anyone helping man


EDIT: Merged your posts.


- Switch

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why isn't anyone helping man


Well if you gave people more then 17* minutes to respond, you would more then likely have better luck.


true, but u can imagin how i feel.. i had to nagg a friend of mine to gimme obliiv back for like 3 weeks

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Please don't bump your thread, especially when you've only given it about 15 minutes, as it's against the rules and spammy. Thanks.


What mods do you have running? Have you tried starting a new game without any mods running at all and seeing if the problem still persists?


Moving this to Technical Support.


EDIT: Deleted your other thread. Please don't open multiple topics on a subject as it's considered spam here. Thanks.

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