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Is PyFFI Mesh Optimization still useful?


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Hi, I am coming back to Oblivion after 6 years and I was wondering if optimizing meshes with PyFFI is still a big deal for increasing performance.


I am not going to be installing that many mods since my laptop isnt the best. Just stuff like Frans, AWLS, All natural.


I have installed PyFFI and python but have not started using it yet.


Will I get a noticeable FPS boost if I use PyFFI with these specs:


i5 2.5ghz

intel HD 3000 Integrated graphics

6gig Memory



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nope, not that much...

usually the fps eater is HUD status bar, Minimap, Radar by vipcxj, Qarls texture pack, Open Cities, Oblivion Reloaded

AWLS reduce global fps about 1-2 fps

All natural is the same reduce about 1-2 fps

all mod that I just said is great for sure, the trade of is fps -- reduced performance

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Ok thanks.


With just the unofficial patches, OCR and streamline I get about 35-45 FPS outside and 30-40 at night near torches.


When I install Frans, AWLS and All natural the fps at night near torches will drop to 15-30FPS.


So I was thinking using PyFFI might boost my FPS by 10.

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I beg to differ.

Even if you won't get a substantial improvement in fps you will notice less stuttering, which is Oblivion's weak point. I'm playing Nehrim (which is a total conversion mod) and PyFFIing the meshes helped a lot.

Like I said, I'm not getting a substantial improvement in fps but the game is noticeably smoother. If you're getting 30fps after mods I recommend optimizing your meshes.

Edited by Morinn
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I know they tend to reduce file sizes for non-optimal meshes as well. Maybe that lends itself somehow to overall smoother game play, as in the game only has to load up that much less on each game launch. And then not stutter or crash quite as much because those meshes are much leaner in data.

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To my knowledge the focus of PyFFing is to reduce the number of (hidden) vertexes from a model. Less vertexes the model has equals less cpu power required to render the item, even if the filesize is a little more. I would said even that filesize reduction is just a beneficial side effect.

Like I said, probably not a huge impact in fps but I think that in weaker CPUs the effect is going to be more noticeable. The cpu is going to be more available to process the loading of new objects and thus producing less "stuttering". This is just my educated guess, I did not test this in machines other than my own wich has a little cpu bottleneck.

Edited by Morinn
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